本文介绍了您可以使用CASE WHEN别名来分组吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
我有一个SELECT语句是从CASE WHEN THEN状态(或可以使用多个IF语句)中计算出来的,它被定义为'Length',并且我需要将结果正确地分组在一起。 SELECT似乎正在工作,但该组将它们分组错了。这是我的声明:
pre $
您需要在中列名的单引号, code>子句。
I have a SELECT statement being calculated from a CASE WHEN THEN state (or could use multiple IF statements) aliased as 'Length', and I need to correctly GROUP the results together. The SELECT seems to be working, but the group groups them wrong. Here is my statement:
SELECT CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 30 THEN '<1 Month' WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 90 THEN '1 - 2 Months' WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 210 THEN '3 - 4 Months' ELSE '>4 Months' END AS 'Length', COUNT(DISTINCT(person.ID)) AS 'COUNT' FROM person INNER JOIN opportunity AS o INNER JOIN Organization AS org ON person.EntityID = o.id AND O.OrganizationID = Org.ID WHERE person.TitleID = 2 AND o.bID = 1 GROUP BY 'Length' ORDER BY 'Length' ASC;
This groups all results into '3 - 4 Months' which isn't right..
You need to use the whole CASE statement in the GROUP BY clause if you don't wrapped it in a subquery.
SELECT CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 30 THEN '<1 Month' WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 90 THEN '1 - 2 Months' WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 210 THEN '3 - 4 Months' ELSE '>4 Months' END AS `Length`, COUNT(DISTINCT(person.ID)) AS `COUNT` FROM person INNER JOIN opportunity AS o ON person.EntityID = o.id INNER JOIN Organization AS org ON o.OrganizationID = Org.ID WHERE person.TitleID = 2 AND o.bID = 1 GROUP BY CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 30 THEN '<1 Month' WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 90 THEN '1 - 2 Months' WHEN DATEDIFF(o.EndDate, o.StartDate) < 210 THEN '3 - 4 Months' ELSE '>4 Months' END ORDER BY Length ASC;
Remove also the single quotes around the column name in the ORDER BY clause.
这篇关于您可以使用CASE WHEN别名来分组吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!