我正在尝试测试Mllib的SVM实现.我想使用Eclipse在Windows本地运行其Java示例.我已经下载了为Hadoop 2.6预先构建的Spark 1.3.1.当我尝试运行示例代码时,我得到:
I'm trying to test Mllib's implementation of SVM. I want to run their java example locally on windows, using eclipse.I've downloaded Spark 1.3.1 pre-built for Hadoop 2.6 .When i try to run the example code, i get:
15/06/11 16:17:09 ERROR Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path
java.io.IOException: Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.
What should i change in order to be able to run the example code in this setup?
创建以下目录结构:"C:\ hadoop_home \ bin"(或将"C:\ hadoop_home"替换为您喜欢的任何内容)
Create the following directory structure: "C:\hadoop_home\bin" (or replace "C:\hadoop_home" with whatever you like)
下载以下文件: http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/hdp-win-alpha/winutils.exe
Put the file from step 2 into the "bin" directory from step 1.
将"hadoop.home.dir"系统属性设置为"C:\ hadoop_home"(或您在第1步中创建的任何目录,结尾都没有"\ bin").
Set the "hadoop.home.dir" system property to "C:\hadoop_home" (or whatever directory you created in step 1, without the "\bin" at the end).