

本文介绍了Facelets ui:remove标签的实际含义的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I want to understand the basic mechanism of <ui:remove>. As per my knowledge, <ui:remove> is basically used in conjunction when basic HTML stuff is part of your Facelets page. When you want, when rendering of the Facelets page happen, it should ignore this part of HTML code, we can use the <ui:remove> tag.


Still I am confused about practical implications of <ui:remove>. How often we need to use this Facelets tag? Additionally, the Facelets page is not compiled everytime when the page is hit.


删除设计时(而不是运行时)所需的内容非常有用,例如注释,一些存根的内容(例如"lorem ipsum")帮助填充页面内容以适合Dreamweaver等视觉设计器中的布局.

It's useful to remove content which is required during design time, but not during run time, such as comments, some stubbed content (e.g. "lorem ipsum") which aids in filling up the page content to fit the layout in visual designers such as Dreamweaver, etc.


If you're not a page designer, but already retrieve designs as PSD/AI/etc, it's indeed useless to you.

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09-07 01:35