InnoDB 中的锁实现

原贴:InnoDB 锁系统及死锁检测实现分析

InnoDB 中,所有事务加的行锁通过一个全局的 hash 表 lock_sys 维护:

/* The lock system */
lock_sys_t *lock_sys = NULL;
/** The lock system struct */
struct lock_sys_t {
/*!< padding to prevent other
memory update hotspots from
residing on the same memory
cache line */
LockMutex mutex; /*!< Mutex protecting the
locks */
hash_table_t *rec_hash; /*!< hash table of the record
locks */
hash_table_t *prdt_hash; /*!< hash table of the predicate
lock */
hash_table_t *prdt_page_hash; /*!< hash table of the page
lock */ char pad2[INNOBASE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE]; /*!< Padding */
LockMutex wait_mutex; /*!< Mutex protecting the
next two fields */
srv_slot_t *waiting_threads; /*!< Array of user threads
suspended while waiting for
locks within InnoDB, protected
by the lock_sys->wait_mutex */
srv_slot_t *last_slot; /*!< highest slot ever used
in the waiting_threads array,
protected by
lock_sys->wait_mutex */
int n_waiting; /*!< Number of slots in use.
Protected by lock_sys->mutex */
ibool rollback_complete;
/*!< TRUE if rollback of all
recovered transactions is
complete. Protected by
lock_sys->mutex */ ulint n_lock_max_wait_time; /*!< Max wait time */ os_event_t timeout_event; /*!< Set to the event that is
created in the lock wait monitor
thread. A value of 0 means the
thread is not active */ /** Marker value before trx_t::age. */
uint64_t mark_age_updated; #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
/** Lock timestamp counter */
uint64_t m_seq;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */


struct trx_t {
enum isolation_level_t { /** dirty read: non-locking SELECTs are performed so that we
do not look at a possible earlier version of a record; thus
they are not 'consistent' reads under this isolation level;
otherwise like level 2 */
READ_UNCOMMITTED, /** somewhat Oracle-like isolation, except that in range UPDATE
and DELETE we must block phantom rows with next-key locks;
the index records, NOT the gaps before them, and thus allow
free inserting; each consistent read reads its own snapshot */
READ_COMMITTED, /** this is the default; all consistent reads in the same trx
read the same snapshot; full next-key locking used in locking
reads to block insertions into gaps */
REPEATABLE_READ, /** all plain SELECTs are converted to LOCK IN SHARE MODE
reads */
}; TrxMutex mutex; /*!< Mutex protecting the fields
state and lock (except some fields
of lock, which are protected by
lock_sys->mutex) */ bool owns_mutex; /*!< Set to the transaction that owns
the mutex during lock acquire and/or
release. This is used to avoid taking the
trx_t::mutex recursively. */ /* Note: in_depth was split from in_innodb for fixing a RO
performance issue. Acquiring the trx_t::mutex for each row
costs ~3% in performance. It is not required for correctness.
Therefore we increment/decrement in_depth without holding any
mutex. The assumption is that the Server will only ever call
the handler from one thread. This is not true for kill_connection.
Therefore in innobase_kill_connection. We don't increment this
counter via TrxInInnoDB. */ ib_uint32_t in_depth; /*!< Track nested TrxInInnoDB
count */ ib_uint32_t in_innodb; /*!< if the thread is executing
in the InnoDB context count > 0. */ bool abort; /*!< if this flag is set then
this transaction must abort when
it can */ trx_id_t id; /*!< transaction id */ trx_id_t no; /*!< transaction serialization number:
max trx id shortly before the
transaction is moved to
Protected by trx_sys_t::mutex
when trx->in_rw_trx_list. Initially
set to TRX_ID_MAX. */ /** State of the trx from the point of view of concurrency control
and the valid state transitions. Possible states: TRX_STATE_NOT_STARTED
TRX_STATE_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY (alias below COMMITTED) Valid state transitions are: Regular transactions:
* NOT_STARTED -> ACTIVE -> COMMITTED -> NOT_STARTED Auto-commit non-locking read-only:
* NOT_STARTED -> PREPARED -> COMMITTED -> (freed) XA (2PC) (shutdown or disconnect before ROLLBACK or COMMIT):
* NOT_STARTED -> PREPARED -> (freed) Disconnected XA can become recovered:
* ... -> ACTIVE -> PREPARED (connected) -> PREPARED (disconnected)
Disconnected means from mysql e.g due to the mysql client disconnection.
Latching and various transaction lists membership rules: XA (2PC) transactions are always treated as non-autocommit. Transitions to ACTIVE or NOT_STARTED occur when
!in_rw_trx_list (no trx_sys->mutex needed). Autocommit non-locking read-only transactions move between states
without holding any mutex. They are !in_rw_trx_list. All transactions, unless they are determined to be ac-nl-ro,
explicitly tagged as read-only or read-write, will first be put
on the read-only transaction list. Only when a !read-only transaction
in the read-only list tries to acquire an X or IX lock on a table
do we remove it from the read-only list and put it on the read-write
list. During this switch we assign it a rollback segment. When a transaction is NOT_STARTED, it can be in_mysql_trx_list if
it is a user transaction. It cannot be in rw_trx_list. ACTIVE->PREPARED->COMMITTED is only possible when trx->in_rw_trx_list.
The transition ACTIVE->PREPARED is protected by trx_sys->mutex. ACTIVE->COMMITTED is possible when the transaction is in
rw_trx_list. Transitions to COMMITTED are protected by both lock_sys->mutex
and trx->mutex. NOTE: Some of these state change constraints are an overkill,
currently only required for a consistent view for printing stats.
This unnecessarily adds a huge cost for the general case. */ trx_state_t state; /* If set, this transaction should stop inheriting (GAP)locks.
Generally set to true during transaction prepare for RC or lower
isolation, if requested. Needed for replication replay where
we don't want to get blocked on GAP locks taken for protecting
concurrent unique insert or replace operation. */
bool skip_lock_inheritance; ReadView *read_view; /*!< consistent read view used in the
transaction, or NULL if not yet set */ UT_LIST_NODE_T(trx_t)
trx_list; /*!< list of transactions;
protected by trx_sys->mutex. */
no_list; /*!< Required during view creation
to check for the view limit for
transactions that are committing */ trx_lock_t lock; /*!< Information about the transaction
locks and state. Protected by
trx->mutex or lock_sys->mutex
or both */
bool is_recovered; /*!< 0=normal transaction,
1=recovered, must be rolled back,
protected by trx_sys->mutex when
trx->in_rw_trx_list holds */ hit_list_t hit_list; /*!< List of transactions to kill,
when a high priority transaction
is blocked on a lock wait. */ os_thread_id_t killed_by; /*!< The thread ID that wants to
kill this transaction asynchronously.
This is required because we recursively
enter the handlerton methods and need
to distinguish between the kill thread
and the transaction thread. Note: We need to be careful w.r.t the
Thread Pool. The thread doing the kill
should not leave InnoDB between the
mark and the actual async kill because
the running thread can change. */ /* These fields are not protected by any mutex. */
const char *op_info; /*!< English text describing the
current operation, or an empty
string */
ulint isolation_level; /*!< TRX_ISO_REPEATABLE_READ, ... */
bool check_foreigns; /*!< normally TRUE, but if the user
wants to suppress foreign key checks,
(in table imports, for example) we
set this FALSE */
/* MySQL has a transaction coordinator to coordinate two phase
commit between multiple storage engines and the binary log. When
an engine participates in a transaction, it's responsible for
registering itself using the trans_register_ha() API. */
bool is_registered; /* This flag is set to true after the
transaction has been registered with
the coordinator using the XA API, and
is set to false after commit or
rollback. */
bool check_unique_secondary;
/*!< normally TRUE, but if the user
wants to speed up inserts by
suppressing unique key checks
for secondary indexes when we decide
if we can use the insert buffer for
them, we set this FALSE */
bool flush_log_later; /* In 2PC, we hold the
prepare_commit mutex across
both phases. In that case, we
defer flush of the logs to disk
until after we release the
mutex. */
bool must_flush_log_later; /*!< this flag is set to TRUE in
trx_commit() if flush_log_later was
TRUE, and there were modifications by
the transaction; in that case we must
flush the log in
trx_commit_complete_for_mysql() */
ulint duplicates; /*!< TRX_DUP_IGNORE | TRX_DUP_REPLACE */
bool has_search_latch;
/*!< TRUE if this trx has latched the
search system latch in S-mode.
This now can only be true in
row_search_mvcc, the btr search latch
must has been released before exiting,
and this flag would be set to false */
trx_dict_op_t dict_operation; /**< @see enum trx_dict_op_t */ bool ddl_operation; /*!< True if this trx involves dd table
change */
bool ddl_must_flush; /*!< True if this trx involves dd table
change, and must flush */
bool in_truncate; /* This trx is doing truncation */ /* Fields protected by the srv_conc_mutex. */
bool declared_to_be_inside_innodb;
/*!< this is TRUE if we have declared
this transaction in
srv_conc_enter_innodb to be inside the
InnoDB engine */
ib_uint32_t n_tickets_to_enter_innodb;
/*!< this can be > 0 only when
declared_to_... is TRUE; when we come
to srv_conc_innodb_enter, if the value
here is > 0, we decrement this by 1 */
ib_uint32_t dict_operation_lock_mode;
/*!< 0, RW_S_LATCH, or RW_X_LATCH:
the latch mode trx currently holds
on dict_operation_lock. Protected
by dict_operation_lock. */ time_t start_time; /*!< time the state last time became
TRX_STATE_ACTIVE */ /** Weight/Age of the transaction in the record lock wait queue. */
int32_t age; /** For tracking if Weight/age has been updated. */
uint64_t age_updated; lsn_t commit_lsn; /*!< lsn at the time of the commit */ /*------------------------------*/
THD *mysql_thd; /*!< MySQL thread handle corresponding
to this trx, or NULL */ const char *mysql_log_file_name;
/*!< if MySQL binlog is used, this field
contains a pointer to the latest file
name; this is NULL if binlog is not
used */
int64_t mysql_log_offset;
/*!< if MySQL binlog is used, this
field contains the end offset of the
binlog entry */
ib_uint32_t n_mysql_tables_in_use; /*!< number of Innobase tables
used in the processing of the current
SQL statement in MySQL */
ib_uint32_t mysql_n_tables_locked;
/*!< how many tables the current SQL
statement uses, except those
in consistent read */
/** The following two fields are mutually exclusive. */
/* @{ */ bool in_rw_trx_list; /*!< true if in trx_sys->rw_trx_list */
/* @} */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
mysql_trx_list; /*!< list of transactions created for
MySQL; protected by trx_sys->mutex */
bool in_mysql_trx_list;
/*!< true if in
trx_sys->mysql_trx_list */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
dberr_t error_state; /*!< 0 if no error, otherwise error
number; NOTE That ONLY the thread
doing the transaction is allowed to
set this field: this is NOT protected
by any mutex */
const dict_index_t *error_index; /*!< if the error number indicates a
duplicate key error, a pointer to
the problematic index is stored here */
ulint error_key_num; /*!< if the index creation fails to a
duplicate key error, a mysql key
number of that index is stored here */
sess_t *sess; /*!< session of the trx, NULL if none */
que_t *graph; /*!< query currently run in the session,
or NULL if none; NOTE that the query
belongs to the session, and it can
survive over a transaction commit, if
it is a stored procedure with a COMMIT
WORK statement, for instance */
trx_savepoints; /*!< savepoints set with SAVEPOINT ...,
oldest first */
UndoMutex undo_mutex; /*!< mutex protecting the fields in this
section (down to undo_no_arr), EXCEPT
last_sql_stat_start, which can be
accessed only when we know that there
cannot be any activity in the undo
logs! */
undo_no_t undo_no; /*!< next undo log record number to
assign; since the undo log is
private for a transaction, this
is a simple ascending sequence
with no gaps; thus it represents
the number of modified/inserted
rows in a transaction */
space_id_t undo_rseg_space;
/*!< space id where last undo record
was written */
trx_savept_t last_sql_stat_start;
/*!< undo_no when the last sql statement
was started: in case of an error, trx
is rolled back down to this undo
number; see note at undo_mutex! */
trx_rsegs_t rsegs; /* rollback segments for undo logging */
undo_no_t roll_limit; /*!< least undo number to undo during
a partial rollback; 0 otherwise */
bool in_rollback; /*!< true when the transaction is
executing a partial or full rollback */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
ulint pages_undone; /*!< number of undo log pages undone
since the last undo log truncation */
ulint n_autoinc_rows; /*!< no. of AUTO-INC rows required for
an SQL statement. This is useful for
multi-row INSERTs */
ib_vector_t *autoinc_locks; /* AUTOINC locks held by this
transaction. Note that these are
also in the lock list trx_locks. This
vector needs to be freed explicitly
when the trx instance is destroyed.
Protected by lock_sys->mutex. */
bool read_only; /*!< true if transaction is flagged
as a READ-ONLY transaction.
if auto_commit && will_lock == 0
then it will be handled as a
AC-NL-RO-SELECT (Auto Commit Non-Locking
Read Only Select). A read only
transaction will not be assigned an
UNDO log. */
bool auto_commit; /*!< true if it is an autocommit */
ib_uint32_t will_lock; /*!< Will acquire some locks. Increment
each time we determine that a lock will
be acquired by the MySQL layer. */
fts_trx_t *fts_trx; /*!< FTS information, or NULL if
transaction hasn't modified tables
with FTS indexes (yet). */
doc_id_t fts_next_doc_id; /* The document id used for updates */
ib_uint32_t flush_tables; /*!< if "covering" the FLUSH TABLES",
count of tables being flushed. */ /*------------------------------*/
bool internal; /*!< true if it is a system/internal
transaction background task. Such
transactions are always treated as
read-write. */
ulint start_line; /*!< Track where it was started from */
const char *start_file; /*!< Filename where it was started */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ lint n_ref; /*!< Count of references, protected
by trx_t::mutex. We can't release the
locks nor commit the transaction until
this reference is 0. We can change
the state to COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY to
signify that it is no longer
"active". */ /** Version of this instance. It is incremented each time the
instance is re-used in trx_start_low(). It is used to track
whether a transaction has been restarted since it was tagged
for asynchronous rollback. */
ulint version; XID *xid; /*!< X/Open XA transaction
identification to identify a
transaction branch */
trx_mod_tables_t mod_tables; /*!< List of tables that were modified
by this transaction */
#endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
bool api_trx; /*!< trx started by InnoDB API */
bool api_auto_commit; /*!< automatic commit */
bool read_write; /*!< if read and write operation */ /*------------------------------*/
char *detailed_error; /*!< detailed error message for last
error, or empty. */
FlushObserver *flush_observer; /*!< flush observer */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
bool is_dd_trx; /*!< True if the transaction is used for
doing Non-locking Read-only Read
Committed on DD tables */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
ulint magic_n; bool is_read_uncommitted() const {
return (isolation_level == READ_UNCOMMITTED);
} bool skip_gap_locks() const {
switch (isolation_level) {
return (true);
return (false);
return (false);
} bool allow_semi_consistent() const { return (skip_gap_locks()); }


struct trx_t {
trx_lock_t lock; /*!< Information about the transaction
locks and state. Protected by
trx->mutex or lock_sys->mutex
or both */

在 8.0 中,将 lock 单独从 trx_t 中解耦出来。观察 trx_lock_t 的定义。

/** Latching protocol for trx_lock_t::que_state.  trx_lock_t::que_state
captures the state of the query thread during the execution of a query.
This is different from a transaction state. The query state of a transaction
can be updated asynchronously by other threads. The other threads can be
system threads, like the timeout monitor thread or user threads executing
other queries. Another thing to be mindful of is that there is a delay between
when a query thread is put into LOCK_WAIT state and before it actually starts
waiting. Between these two events it is possible that the query thread is
granted the lock it was waiting for, which implies that the state can be
changed asynchronously. All these operations take place within the context of locking. Therefore state
changes within the locking code must acquire both the lock mutex and the
trx->mutex when changing trx->lock.que_state to TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT or
trx->lock.wait_lock to non-NULL but when the lock wait ends it is sufficient
to only acquire the trx->mutex.
To query the state either of the mutexes is sufficient within the locking
code and no mutex is required when the query thread is no longer waiting. */ /** The locks and state of an active transaction. Protected by
lock_sys->mutex, trx->mutex or both. */
struct trx_lock_t {
ulint n_active_thrs; /*!< number of active query threads */ trx_que_t que_state; /*!< valid when trx->state
TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT, ... */ lock_t *wait_lock; /*!< if trx execution state is
TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT, this points to
the lock request, otherwise this is
NULL; set to non-NULL when holding
both trx->mutex and lock_sys->mutex;
set to NULL when holding
lock_sys->mutex; readers should
hold lock_sys->mutex, except when
they are holding trx->mutex and
wait_lock==NULL */
ib_uint64_t deadlock_mark; /*!< A mark field that is initialized
to and checked against lock_mark_counter
by lock_deadlock_recursive(). */
bool was_chosen_as_deadlock_victim;
/*!< when the transaction decides to
wait for a lock, it sets this to false;
if another transaction chooses this
transaction as a victim in deadlock
resolution, it sets this to true.
Protected by trx->mutex. */
time_t wait_started; /*!< lock wait started at this time,
protected only by lock_sys->mutex */ que_thr_t *wait_thr; /*!< query thread belonging to this
trx that is in QUE_THR_LOCK_WAIT
state. For threads suspended in a
lock wait, this is protected by
lock_sys->mutex. Otherwise, this may
only be modified by the thread that is
serving the running transaction. */ lock_pool_t rec_pool; /*!< Pre-allocated record locks */ lock_pool_t table_pool; /*!< Pre-allocated table locks */ ulint rec_cached; /*!< Next free rec lock in pool */ ulint table_cached; /*!< Next free table lock in pool */ mem_heap_t *lock_heap; /*!< memory heap for trx_locks;
protected by lock_sys->mutex */ trx_lock_list_t trx_locks; /*!< locks requested by the transaction;
insertions are protected by trx->mutex
and lock_sys->mutex; removals are
protected by lock_sys->mutex */ lock_pool_t table_locks; /*!< All table locks requested by this
transaction, including AUTOINC locks */ ulint n_rec_locks; /*!< number of rec locks in this trx */
/** When a transaction is forced to rollback due to a deadlock
check or by another high priority transaction this is true. Used
by debug checks in */
bool in_rollback;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /** The transaction called ha_innobase::start_stmt() to
lock a table. Most likely a temporary table. */
bool start_stmt;
typedef UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(lock_t) trx_lock_list_t;

trx_lock_list_t trx_locks; /*!< locks requested by the transaction;
insertions are protected by trx->mutex
and lock_sys->mutex; removals are
protected by lock_sys->mutex */

每个事务都会维护执行过程中加的所有锁( trx_locks,双向链表),以及发生锁等待时等待的锁( wait_lock

lock_sys 中保存的对象为 lock_t ,它可以描述一个行锁或者表锁,如果是行锁,会被 lock_sys 维护,若是表锁,会被对应的 dict_table_t 维护

/** Lock struct; protected by lock_sys->mutex */
struct lock_t {
/** transaction owning the lock */
trx_t *trx; /** list of the locks of the transaction */
UT_LIST_NODE_T(lock_t) trx_locks; /** Index for a record lock */
dict_index_t *index; /** Hash chain node for a record lock. The link node in a singly
linked list, used by the hash table. */
lock_t *hash; union {
/** Table lock */
lock_table_t tab_lock; /** Record lock */
lock_rec_t rec_lock;
/** Performance schema thread that created the lock. */
ulonglong m_psi_internal_thread_id; /** Performance schema event that created the lock. */
ulonglong m_psi_event_id;
#endif /* HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE */ /** The lock type and mode bit flags.
uint32_t type_mode; #if defined(UNIV_DEBUG)
/** Timestamp when it was created. */
uint64_t m_seq;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /** Remove GAP lock from a next Key Lock */
void remove_gap_lock() {
ut_ad(is_record_lock()); type_mode |= LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP;
} /** Determine if the lock object is a record lock.
@return true if record lock, false otherwise. */
bool is_record_lock() const { return (type() == LOCK_REC); } /** Determine if it is predicate lock.
@return true if predicate lock, false otherwise. */
bool is_predicate() const {
return (type_mode & (LOCK_PREDICATE | LOCK_PRDT_PAGE));
} /** @return true if the lock wait flag is set */
bool is_waiting() const { return (type_mode & LOCK_WAIT); } /** @return true if the gap lock bit is set */
bool is_gap() const { return (type_mode & LOCK_GAP); } /** @return true if the not gap lock bit is set */
bool is_record_not_gap() const { return (type_mode & LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP); } /** @return true if the insert intention bit is set */
bool is_insert_intention() const {
return (type_mode & LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION);
} /** @return the lock mode */
uint32_t type() const { return (type_mode & LOCK_TYPE_MASK); } /** @return the precise lock mode */
lock_mode mode() const {
return (static_cast<lock_mode>(type_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK));
} /** Get lock hash table
@return lock hash table */
hash_table_t *hash_table() const { return (lock_hash_get(type_mode)); } /** @return the record lock tablespace ID */
space_id_t space_id() const {
ut_ad(is_record_lock()); return (;
} /** @return the record lock page number */
page_no_t page_no() const {
ut_ad(is_record_lock()); return (rec_lock.page_no);
} /** @return the transaction's query thread state. */
trx_que_t trx_que_state() const { return (trx->lock.que_state); } /** Print the lock object into the given output stream.
@param[in,out] out the output stream
@return the given output stream. */
std::ostream &print(std::ostream &out) const; /** Convert the member 'type_mode' into a human readable string.
@return human readable string */
std::string type_mode_string() const; /* @return the string/text representation of the record type. */
const char *type_string() const {
switch (type_mode & LOCK_TYPE_MASK) {
case LOCK_REC:
return ("LOCK_REC");
return ("LOCK_TABLE");

不论行锁还是表锁,都记录了所属的事务,锁创建后会通过 trx_locks(next和prev指针)添加到所属事务已获得锁链表中( trx_t.lock.trx_locks ),如果创建的锁为行锁,会使用(space_no , page_no )经过hash函数计算后添加到 lock_sys 中。如果创建的锁为表锁,将其加入到对应dict_table_t的表锁链表尾部(lock_table_create)。


InnoDB 中一个事务中的行锁是按照 page 和锁类型组织,相同的锁类型,锁一行和锁这行所在page中所有行的存储代价是一样的,lock_rec_t 中的成员 nbits 后面有一个 bitmapbitmap 占用的存储空间为:(1 + (nbits-1)/8) bytes,即:lock_rec_t 占用的实际存储空间为:sizeof(lock_rec_t) + 1 + (nbits-1)/8,bitmap 中的每一位标识对应的行是否加锁

/** Record lock for a page */
struct lock_rec_t {
space_id_t space; /*!< space id */
page_no_t page_no; /*!< page number */
uint32_t n_bits; /*!< number of bits in the lock
bitmap; NOTE: the lock bitmap is
placed immediately after the
lock struct */ /** Print the record lock into the given output stream
@param[in,out] out the output stream
@return the given output stream. */
std::ostream &print(std::ostream &out) const;

lock_table_t 表锁,保存了对应的 table 和 table上表锁链接 locks(prev和next指针)

/** A table lock */
struct lock_table_t {
dict_table_t *table; /*!< database table in dictionary
cache */
locks; /*!< list of locks on the same
table */
/** Print the table lock into the given output stream
@param[in,out] out the output stream
@return the given output stream. */
std::ostream &print(std::ostream &out) const;

lock_t 表示一个锁,表锁或者行锁,其中的 trx_locks 成员会被链接到 trx_t 中的已加锁链表 trx_t.lock.trx_locks 中,而 lock_table_t 中的 locks 成员是需要链接到对应 table 后面,作用不同但容易混淆;lock_t中的 hash 和 index 成员放到 lock_rec_t 结构体中更加合适,可能是基于 lock_t 是行锁的可能性更大的前提考虑的


InnoDB 在实现 Wait-For-Graph 时基于性能方面的考虑,定义了两个变量:

LOCK_MAX_DEPTH_IN_DEADLOCK_CHECK (默认200):深度优先遍历的层数超过此值,即认为发生死锁,回滚当前事务


笔者测试的版本中,死锁检测单独为一个类 DeadlockChecker

class DeadlockChecker {
/** Checks if a joining lock request results in a deadlock. If
a deadlock is found this function will resolve the deadlock
by choosing a victim transaction and rolling it back. It
will attempt to resolve all deadlocks. The returned transaction
id will be the joining transaction id or 0 if some other
transaction was chosen as a victim and rolled back or no
deadlock found. @param lock lock the transaction is requesting
@param trx transaction requesting the lock @return id of transaction chosen as victim or 0 */
static const trx_t * (const lock_t *lock, trx_t *trx); private:
/** Do a shallow copy. Default destructor OK.
@param trx the start transaction (start node)
@param wait_lock lock that a transaction wants
@param mark_start visited node counter */
DeadlockChecker(const trx_t *trx, const lock_t *wait_lock,
uint64_t mark_start)
: m_cost(),
m_n_elems() {} /** Check if the search is too deep. */
bool is_too_deep() const {
return (m_n_elems > LOCK_MAX_DEPTH_IN_DEADLOCK_CHECK ||
} /** Save current state.
@param lock lock to push on the stack.
@param heap_no the heap number to push on the stack.
@return false if stack is full. */
bool push(const lock_t *lock, ulint heap_no) {
ut_ad((lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_REC) ||
(lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE)); ut_ad(((lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE) != 0) ==
(heap_no == ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /* Ensure that the stack is bounded. */
if (m_n_elems >= UT_ARR_SIZE(s_states)) {
return (false);
} state_t &state = s_states[m_n_elems++]; state.m_lock = lock;
state.m_wait_lock = m_wait_lock;
state.m_heap_no = heap_no; return (true);
} /** Restore state.
@param[out] lock current lock
@param[out] heap_no current heap_no */
void pop(const lock_t *&lock, ulint &heap_no) {
ut_a(m_n_elems > 0); const state_t &state = s_states[--m_n_elems]; lock = state.m_lock;
heap_no = state.m_heap_no;
m_wait_lock = state.m_wait_lock;
} /** Check whether the node has been visited.
@param lock lock to check
@return true if the node has been visited */
bool is_visited(const lock_t *lock) const {
return (lock->trx->lock.deadlock_mark > m_mark_start);
} /** Get the next lock in the queue that is owned by a transaction
whose sub-tree has not already been searched.
@param lock Lock in queue
@param heap_no heap_no if lock is a record lock else ULINT_UNDEFINED
@return next lock or NULL if at end of queue */
const lock_t *get_next_lock(const lock_t *lock, ulint heap_no) const; /** Get the first lock to search. The search starts from the current
wait_lock. What we are really interested in is an edge from the
current wait_lock's owning transaction to another transaction that has
a lock ahead in the queue. We skip locks where the owning transaction's
sub-tree has already been searched. For record locks, we first position the iterator on first lock on
the page and then reposition on the actual heap_no. This is required
due to the way the record lock has is implemented. @param[out] heap_no if rec lock, else ULINT_UNDEFINED. @return first lock or NULL */
const lock_t *get_first_lock(ulint *heap_no) const; /** Notify that a deadlock has been detected and print the conflicting
transaction info.
@param lock lock causing deadlock */
void notify(const lock_t *lock) const; /** Select the victim transaction that should be rolledback.
@return victim transaction */
const trx_t *select_victim() const; /** Rollback transaction selected as the victim. */
void trx_rollback(); /** Looks iteratively for a deadlock. Note: the joining transaction
may have been granted its lock by the deadlock checks. @return 0 if no deadlock else the victim transaction.*/
const trx_t *search(); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
/** Determines if a situation in which the lock takes part in a deadlock
cycle is expected (as in: handled correctly) or not (say because it is on a DD
table, for which there is no reason to expect a deadlock and we don't handle
deadlocks correctly). The purpose of the function is to use it in an assertion
failing as soon as the deadlock is identified, to give developer a chance to
investigate the root cause of the situation (without such assertion, the code
might continue to run and either fail at later stage when the data useful for
debugging is no longer on stack, or not fail at all, which is risky).
@param[in] lock lock found in a deadlock cycle
@return true if we expect that this lock can take part in a deadlock cycle */
static bool is_allowed_to_be_on_cycle(const lock_t *lock);
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /** Print transaction data to the deadlock file and possibly to stderr.
@param trx transaction
@param max_query_len max query length to print */
static void print(const trx_t *trx, ulint max_query_len); /** rewind(3) the file used for storing the latest detected deadlock
and print a heading message to stderr if printing of all deadlocks to
stderr is enabled. */
static void start_print(); /** Print lock data to the deadlock file and possibly to stderr.
@param lock record or table type lock */
static void print(const lock_t *lock); /** Print a message to the deadlock file and possibly to stderr.
@param msg message to print */
static void print(const char *msg); /** Print info about transaction that was rolled back.
@param trx transaction rolled back
@param lock lock trx wants */
static void rollback_print(const trx_t *trx, const lock_t *lock); private:
/** DFS state information, used during deadlock checking. */
struct state_t {
const lock_t *m_lock; /*!< Current lock */
const lock_t *m_wait_lock; /*!< Waiting for lock */
ulint m_heap_no; /*!< heap number if rec lock */
}; /** Used in deadlock tracking. Protected by lock_sys->mutex. */
static uint64_t s_lock_mark_counter; /** Calculation steps thus far. It is the count of the nodes visited. */
ulint m_cost; /** Joining transaction that is requesting a lock in an
incompatible mode */
const trx_t *m_start; /** true if search was too deep and was aborted */
bool m_too_deep; /** Lock that trx wants */
const lock_t *m_wait_lock; /** Value of lock_mark_count at the start of the deadlock check. */
uint64_t m_mark_start; /** Number of states pushed onto the stack */
size_t m_n_elems; /** This is to avoid malloc/free calls. */
static state_t s_states[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
/** Looks iteratively for a deadlock. Note: the joining transaction may
have been granted its lock by the deadlock checks.
@return 0 if no deadlock else the victim transaction instance.*/
const trx_t *DeadlockChecker::search() {
ut_ad(!trx_mutex_own(m_start)); ut_ad(m_start != NULL);
ut_ad(m_wait_lock != NULL);
ut_ad(m_mark_start <= s_lock_mark_counter); /* Look at the locks ahead of wait_lock in the lock queue. */
ulint heap_no;
const lock_t *lock = get_first_lock(&heap_no); for (;;) {
/* We should never visit the same sub-tree more than once. */
ut_ad(lock == NULL || !is_visited(lock)); while (m_n_elems > 0 && lock == NULL) {
/* Restore previous search state. */ pop(lock, heap_no); lock = get_next_lock(lock, heap_no);
} if (lock == NULL) {
} else if (lock == m_wait_lock) {
/* We can mark this subtree as searched */
ut_ad(lock->trx->lock.deadlock_mark <= m_mark_start); lock->trx->lock.deadlock_mark = ++s_lock_mark_counter; /* We are not prepared for an overflow. This 64-bit
counter should never wrap around. At 10^9 increments
per second, it would take 10^3 years of uptime. */ ut_ad(s_lock_mark_counter > 0); /* Backtrack */
lock = NULL; } else if (!lock_has_to_wait(m_wait_lock, lock)) {
/* No conflict, next lock */
lock = get_next_lock(lock, heap_no); } else if (lock->trx == m_start) {
/* Found a cycle. */ notify(lock); /* We don't expect deadlocks with most DD tables and all SDI tables.
If we find, we crash early to find the transactions causing deadlock */
ut_ad(is_allowed_to_be_on_cycle(m_wait_lock)); return (select_victim()); } else if (is_too_deep()) {
/* Search too deep to continue. */
m_too_deep = true;
return (m_start); } else if (lock->trx_que_state() == TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT) {
/* Another trx ahead has requested a lock in an
incompatible mode, and is itself waiting for a lock. */ ++m_cost; if (!push(lock, heap_no)) {
m_too_deep = true;
return (m_start);
} m_wait_lock = lock->trx->lock.wait_lock; lock = get_first_lock(&heap_no); if (is_visited(lock)) {
lock = get_next_lock(lock, heap_no);
} } else {
lock = get_next_lock(lock, heap_no);
} ut_a(lock == NULL && m_n_elems == 0); /* No deadlock found. */
return (0);



  1. 资源互斥;
  2. 请求保持;
  3. 不剥夺;
  4. 循环等待


  1. 同一索引上,两个session相反的顺序加锁多行记录
  2. Primary key和Secondary index,通过primary key找到记录,更新Secondary index字段与通过Secondary index更新记录
  3. UPDATE/DELETE通过不同的二级索引更新多条记录,可能造成在Primary key上不同的加锁顺序
05-11 15:36