




我正在添加哨兵处理程序 R日志记录包.当前 django-sentry 基于行进的共享密钥验证客户端(发送日志记录的应用程序)在安全通道中以明文形式显示.

I am adding a sentry handler to the R logging package. currently django-sentry validates the client (the application sending log records) based on a shared key which travels in clear text in a secured channel.


I was wondering if it was possible to do encryption from R, preferably asymmetric, public key based, but I find nothing relevant.


all right, not "if it was possible", but "how to do that" and whether someone already did this.

在与django-sentry的作者进行互动之后,我们选择了hmac,我已经在 digest R程序包(版本0.5+包含它).这不是不是回答如何使用R加密数据"的问题,但是它解决了构成我最初问题基础的问题.

after interaction with the author of django-sentry, we opted for hmac, which I have implemented within the digest R package (version 0.5+ contains it). This does not answer the question "how to encrypt data using R", but it solves the problem which formed the base for my initial question.


At this point I am not any more actively working at asymmetric encription in R, however, if you are interested in it and you want to contribute ideas or code, please leave a note here!


您还可以在 PKI包,来自作者Simon Urbanek.

You may also find suitable function in the PKI package from the author Simon Urbanek.


This package provides PKI functions such as verifyig certificates, RSA encription and signing which can be used to build PKI infrastructure and perform cryptographic tasks.


key <- PKI.genRSAkey(2048)
x <- charToRaw("Hello, world!")
e <- PKI.encrypt(x, key)
y <- PKI.decrypt(e, key)
stopifnot(identical(x, y))

给出结果:[1] "Hello, world!"


  [1] 36 83 d3 70 0a 67 b5 05 a6 40 1e 37 28 b9 4e 28 f1 31 92 14 2c 35 c8 8a 61 93 1e 04 62 01 da 3b 2b a0 75 1c 10 58 26
 [40] e4 77 da 7a 47 3f 4e 44 29 8e 97 6f 62 b1 98 44 ba 18 ef 57 1e 9e 9c 27 a8 6e 9c 7b c7 8b c0 c3 a3 00 e2 67 98 8b 6e
 [79] 1a 93 c6 d6 ed 4b 54 e5 7a 07 d7 06 ef a6 bb 36 6a 7f 57 06 b9 15 03 f6 51 3f 07 48 cb f4 2d 25 15 be 42 de f4 8a 06
[118] 72 89 b1 e3 04 d3 ec 80 99 f0 66 0f 84 e1 b5 af 23 24 a1 36 8e 62 65 ae 19 fb 77 d1 36 06 ae 71 95 ee 57 aa 68 5a 6b
[157] 4e 28 ba a2 0d 17 78 11 6c 7f 1b b3 ce 31 65 a9 d3 71 89 76 f9 19 a0 7a bf 02 dd c9 1f cb 9c 39 25 d4 48 a2 23 83 26
[196] b4 a9 b1 40 f5 1d 46 21 35 12 52 73 09 9b f3 52 e1 9e 0d 2a 9b ff 70 81 41 24 49 ed 58 b2 61 dc 3e c9 b3 b2 b1 37 e0
[235] 48 76 18 bf b0 e5 c2 d9 2b 92 2f 6b 49 dd e0 93 b7 10 f8 ba d2 8a



09-07 01:05