I'm trying to get the trackNumber of a aac, mp3 or mp4 file. It's not in the commonMetadata so I started to spelunk in the other metadata keys. I found something that looks like it, but I'm yet unable to read it, and make sense of it. Even the raw data makes no sense to me.
At the moment, I'm just trying to get it using this basic code:
NSArray *meta = [asset metadataForFormat:AVMetadataFormatiTunesMetadata];
for ( AVMetadataItem* item in meta ) {
id key = [item key];
NSString *value = [item stringValue];
NSLog(@"key = %@, value = %@", key, value);
Knowing I'm looking for AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyTrackNumber.
I realize this thread is quite old but I recently came across this issue myself. I needed ALL the metadata I could gather and came up with the following solution. It's not the most elegant solution but it works well enough. Written in Swift.
func processFile(url:NSURL) {
let yearKey = -1453039239
let genreKey = -1452841618
let encoderKey = -1451987089
let trackKey = "com.apple.iTunes.iTunes_CDDB_TrackNumber"
let CDDBKey = "com.apple.iTunes.iTunes_CDDB_1"
let path:String = url.absoluteString
let asset = AVURLAsset(URL: url, options: nil)
let format = AVMetadataFormatiTunesMetadata
for item:AVMetadataItem in asset.metadataForFormat(format) as Array<AVMetadataItem> {
if let key = item.commonKey { if key == "title" { println(item.value()) } }
if let key = item.commonKey { if key == "artist" { println(item.value()) } }
if let key = item.commonKey { if key == "albumName" { println(item.value()) } }
if let key = item.commonKey { if key == "creationDate" { println(item.value()) } }
if let key = item.commonKey { if key == "artwork" { println( "art" ) } }
if item.key().isKindOfClass(NSNumber) {
if item.key() as NSNumber == yearKey { println("year: \(item.numberValue)") }
if item.key() as NSNumber == genreKey { println("genre: \(item.stringValue)") }
if item.key() as NSNumber == encoderKey { println("encoder: \(item.stringValue)") }
if item.key().isKindOfClass(NSString) {
if item.key() as String == trackKey { println("track: \(item.stringValue)") }
if item.key() as String == CDDBKey { println("CDDB: \(item.stringValue)") }