I search a fast method to perform my problem.
想象从1 numeroted至8有序的座位,想象他们是人的座位[2,6,5,3]。我希望人们以后的座位号4(初始值)
imagine ordered seats numeroted from 1 to 8, imagine they are people on seats [ 2, 6, 5, 3 ]. i want to get back the second (interval +2) people after the seat number 4 (start value)
这个数组: [2,5,8,7,1] 后,我开始与值 3 我移动 +2 次,
在列表中的下一个三号码是5,第二个是的 7 ,该方法必须返回该值
with this array : [2, 5, 8, 7, 1] , i started with value 3 and i move +2 times,the third next number in the list is 5, the second is 7, the method must return this value
以相同的 [2,5,8,7,1] ,我从开始的 7 我移动 +3 倍
这里的方法必须返回到最小值。 trought 8。1。2 ..,结果是: 2
with the same [2, 5, 8, 7, 1] , i started from 7 and i move +3 timeshere the method must return to the minimal value. trought 8.. 1.. 2.., result : 2
是 [1,3] ,启动 4 ,计数 +2 ,结果 3
with [1, 3], start 4, count +2, result 3
是 [5,3,9] ,启动 3 ,计数 +1 ,结果 5
with [5, 3, 9], start 3, count +1, result 5
是 [5,3,9] ,启动 3 ,计数 +2 ,结果 9
with [5, 3, 9], start 3, count +2, result 9
I hope someone will understand my problem.thanks you
Sort your list, use bisect
to find the starting index, then mod the result of the addition by the length of the list.