

本文介绍了功能Bot,Web App Bot与应用程序Bot之间的区别在Microsoft Azure中进行Bot频道注册?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



有什么区别?我在这里,Microsoft Azure或Azure Bot Service上都找不到有关所有三项服务的特定信息...

What's the difference?I couldn't find specific information about all three services here or on Microsoft Azure or on Azure Bot Service...


功能和Web App机器人本质上是一回事.核心区别在于,功能bot的大多数业务逻辑包含在一个或多个c#脚本Azure函数中,而WebApp bot的业务逻辑包含在作为App Service运行的WebAPI中.现在,Bot Channels Regstration是完全不同的野兽.此资源是您要在Azure中使用Bot Service功能时使用的资源.这是将您的机器人连接到它所支持的各种渠道的中间部分.频道是外部客户端应用程序",例如Facebook Messenger,Twitter,twillio,网络聊天等.这是基础知识,但是Bot Framework文档中有很多信息.

Function and Web App bots are essentially the same thing. The core difference is that most of the business logic for a functions bot is contained in one or more Azure functions which are c# scripts, while the business logic for a WebApp bot is contained in an WebAPI running as an App Service.Now, a Bot Channels Regstration is an entirely different beast. This resource is what you use when you want to use the Bot Service functionality in Azure. It is the middle piece to connect your bot to the various channels that it supports. A channel is an external 'client application' such as Facebook Messenger, Twitter, twillio, web chat, etc.This is the basics but there is plenty of information in the Bot Framework documentation.

这篇关于功能Bot,Web App Bot与应用程序Bot之间的区别在Microsoft Azure中进行Bot频道注册?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-07 00:22