

本文介绍了关于如何处理涉及 API 集成的项目的想法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我是一名学生,正在开发一个 Java 应用程序,该应用程序将作为一个应用程序的 Web 服务调用与另一个应用程序的 JMX API 之间的转换层".这两个应用程序驻留在同一网络中的 2 个不同系统上.

I am a student and working on developing a Java Application that would serve as a "Translation Layer" between one application's web service calls to another application's JMX API.Both the applications reside on 2 different systems in the same network.

因此,本质上,它涉及一个可交付的程序,该程序将一个应用程序的 Web 服务调用转换为 JMX 中另一个应用程序的服务调用.

So, essentially, it involves a deliverable program that converts one application's web services call into the other application's service calls in JMX.


Since, I've had no experience with this kind of application development, I had the following questions:

  1. 构建我的程序的常用方法是什么?我以前有核心java开发的经验.而且,我希望这足以理解和使用 JMX 和 Web 服务 API.

  1. What could be the usual approach of structuring my program? I have previous experience in core java development. And, I am hoping that should suffice to understand and use JMX and Web services APIs.


What skills might be needed? I am thinking web services, threading, collections, etc.

据我所知,系统上将有一个 Java tar,其中存在具有 JMX API 的应用程序(在具有 Web 服务调用的系统上不需要任何部分).这是正确的假设吗?

From what I understand, there will be one Java tar on the system where the application with JMX API is present (No part needed on the system with web service calls). Is that the right assumption to make?


Is there a sample application or tutorial online that I can refer to get an idea on how to proceed?


Any thoughts/ideas are much appreciated.


如果我理解正确的话,您想构建一个 SOAP/JMX 代理.这意味着它将接收 SOAP 请求并将它们转换为 JMX,转发转换后的请求,然后执行反向操作以返回响应.

If I understand you correctly, you want to build a SOAP/JMX Proxy. This means it will receive SOAP requests and translate them to JMX, forwarding the translated request and then do the inverse to return the response.

代理是一种众所周知的设计模式,您可以使用它基于您的设计.这种特殊情况对应于 远程代理.

The proxy is a well known design pattern which you can use to base your design on. This particular case corresponds to a Remote Proxy.

这篇关于关于如何处理涉及 API 集成的项目的想法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 23:43