

本文介绍了使用反射获取所有在 Scala 中实现特征的类的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我想列出实现特定特征的所有案例类.我目前正在使用 Clapper ClassUtil 来做这件事.我能够获得直接实现特征的案例类.但是,我无法获得未直接实现该特征的其他类.如何获得所有直接或间接实现特征的类.?

I want to list out all the case classes which implements a particular trait. I am currently using Clapper ClassUtil for doing that. I am able to get the case classes that are directly implementing a trait. However, I am not able to get the other classes which are not directly implementing the trait. How can I get all classes which directly or indirectly implements a trait. ?

val finder = ClassFinder()

Scala 版本:2.11

Clapper 类实用程序版本:1.0.6

Clapper Class Util Version : 1.0.6

还有其他方法可以获得这些信息吗?有人可以指出我正确的方向吗?我尝试使用 scala.reflect 但无法理解如何获取信息.

Is there any other way I can get these information? Can someone point me to the right direction?I tried using scala.reflect but could not understand how to get the info.



trait BaseEntity
trait NamedEntity{ val name:String}
trait MasterDataEntity extends NamedEntity

case class Department(id:Long, override val name:String) extends MasterDataEntity
case class Employee(id:Long, name:String) extends BaseEntity
case class User(id:Long, override val name:String) extends NamedEntity

现在,如果我将特征指定为 NamedEntity,我应该能够同时获得 DepartmentUser,因为它们都是直接或间接实现 NamedEntity.使用 implements 方法,它只会给用户.我也尝试过使用 interfaces 方法,该方法也将仅提供直接超类.

Now, if I give the trait as NamedEntity, I should be able to get both Department and User since they both are directly or indirectly implementing NamedEntity. With implements method, it will give only User. I also tried by using interfaces method, which will also provide the direct super classes only.



Looking at the source code, the problem seems to be that it doesn't follow the interfaces hierarchy. If you do that, you find all instances:

package foo

import java.io.File

import org.clapper.classutil.{ClassFinder, ClassInfo}

object Main extends App {
  val jar     = new File("target/scala-2.11/class_test_2.11-0.1.0.jar")
  val finder  = ClassFinder(jar :: Nil)
  val classes = ClassFinder.classInfoMap(finder.getClasses().iterator)
  val impl    = find("foo.NamedEntity", classes)

  def find(ancestor: String, classes: Map[String, ClassInfo]): List[ClassInfo] =
    classes.get(ancestor).fold(List.empty[ClassInfo]) { ancestorInfo =>
      val ancestorName = ancestorInfo.name

      def compare(info: ClassInfo): Boolean =
        info.name == ancestorName ||
        (info.superClassName :: info.interfaces).exists {
          n => classes.get(n).exists(compare)

      val it = classes.valuesIterator
      it.filter { info => info.isConcrete && compare(info) } .toList

这篇关于使用反射获取所有在 Scala 中实现特征的类的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 22:30