

本文介绍了可以集成Google AppEngine和Google代码进行持续集成吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



任何人都对如何/是否可以集成Google代码提交以使Google AppEngine部署最新代码有任何想法?

Anyone have any thoughts on how/if it is possible to integrate Google Code commits to cause a Google AppEngine deployment of the most recent code?

我有一个简单的Google AppEngine项目的源代码托管在Google代码上,并且如果每次我承诺Subversion,AppEngine都会反映最新的提交。我不介意如果事情在现场网站上破碎,因为项目是为个人使用主要和学习。

I have a simple Google AppEngine project's source hosted on Google Code and would love if everytime I committed to Subversion, that AppEngine would reflect the latest commit. I don't mind if things are broken on the live site since the project is for personal use mainly and for learning.


Anyone have any thoughts on how to tie into the subversion commit for the Code repository and/or how to kickoff the deployment to AppEngine? Ideally the solution would not require anything manual from me nor any type of server/listener software on my machine.


Google代码项目托管现在支持,它会ping项目所有者 - 每次提交后指定的URL。这将无需定期轮询您的Google代码存储库。

Google Code Project Hosting now supports Post-Commit Web Hooks, which ping a project-owner-specified URL after every commit. This would eliminate the need to regularly poll your Google Code repository.

这篇关于可以集成Google AppEngine和Google代码进行持续集成吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 22:22