





Rather than include static libraries in my source tree in a cross-compiled project I'd like to add boost directly into cmake and build it. Is this available?



We've struggled with this a fair bit too at my workplace. While I certainly can't claim to know the "best" way, I can offer the following thoughts on my experiences.


We initially just required devs to install boost separately and had CMake do its normal checks in the form of a find_package(Boost...) call. This was easy, but not automated, and caused problems for devs with older versions of boost already installed.

然后,我们改变了策略,并添加了一个增强源的副本,这些副本是从您上面提到的一个项目中克隆的.我不记得具体细节,但我认为它是Ryppl项目目前正在研究的细节的先驱.重点是它已经支持CMake. boost库是通过add_library调用添加的实际CMake目标,这使它们更易于在CMake代码中使用.

We then changed tack and added a copy of the boost sources which we cloned from one of the projects you mentioned above. I can't recall the specifics, but I think it was a precursor to the one currently being worked on in the Ryppl project. The main point was that it already had support for CMake; the boost libraries were actual CMake targets added via add_library calls, which made them easier to work with in the CMake code.


While this solved the previous problems by automating the use of boost in our project, it ultimately became a maintenance nightmare. The boost project we had cloned from changed radically and is now very dependent on Ryppl-specific CMake functions. We didn't want to add Ryppl as a dependency, so we changed tack again!


We looked at the projects you mentioned in your question, and likewise found none of them to be usable.

我们当前的设置使用CMake的 ExternalProject 模块.这样,我们就可以下载并构建Boost到我们的构建树中.

Our current setup makes use of CMake's ExternalProject module. This allows us to download and build boost to our build tree.


  • 维护成本低
  • 自动完成,因此所有开发人员都使用带有相同标志构建的相同版本
  • 使我们自己的源代码树免受第三方代码的侵害
  • boost的多个副本可以愉快地共存(因此,没有机会无意中链接到使用不同的编译器/stdlib组合构建的副本)


  • 删除构建树意味着必须从头开始下载并构建boost.这可以通过例如改善.下载到固定位置(例如,系统temp dir),因此如果找到现有的Boost源副本,则可以跳过下载/解压缩步骤.
  • boost库不是正确的CMake目标(即尚未通过add_library调用添加)
  • Deleting your build tree means having to download and build boost from scratch. This could be ameliorated by e.g. downloading to a fixed location (say, system temp dir), so the download/unzip step could be skipped if an existing copy of the boost sources is found.
  • The boost libraries are not proper CMake targets (i.e. they haven't been added via add_library calls)


Here's a link to our CMake code. There are a few ways in which this needs improved, but it currently works reasonably well for us.


I hope that soon this answer becomes out of date and a decent, modularised, CMake-compatible solution becomes available.



09-06 22:22