

假设我的电子邮件地址是 [email protected] ,我想检查 yahoo.com 是否是是否有效域。

Suppose my email address is [email protected] and I want to check if yahoo.com is a valid domain or not.

有谁能告诉我我可以使用哪种Java API?

Can anyone tell me which Java API I can use for this?


InetAddress 有方法确定主机的IP地址,鉴于主持人的名字。

InetAddress has getByName() method to determine the IP address of a host, given the host's name.


If no IP address for the host could be found ( in case the given host name is not valid) , UnknownHostException will be thrown.

因此,您只需在调用 InetAddress.getByName()时尝试捕获 UnknownHostException 。如果捕获到 UnknownHostException ,则表示您的输入主机名无效。

So , you just try to catch an UnknownHostException when calling InetAddress.getByName() . If UnknownHostException is caught , that means your input host name is invalid.


09-26 06:13