



How do I get the ("current") type of a macro annottee?

import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
import scala.reflect.macros._
import language.experimental.macros

class myself extends StaticAnnotation {
  def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro myselfMacro.impl
object myselfMacro {
  def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
    import c.universe._
    val a = annottees.head
    println(s"static type = ${a.staticType}")
    println(s"actual type = ${a.actualType}")


@myself class Foo


static type = Nothing
actual type = null


The reason I want that type is that I want to use it as a type parameter, e.g. Bar[Foo]



Ok, so I think the correct approach is like this:

def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
  import c.universe._
  val v    = annottees.head.asInstanceOf[ClassDef]
  val tpe  = v.tpe // <- tpe is null as the annotated type is not yet type checked!
  val tpe2 = if (tpe == null)
    c.typeCheck(v).tpe // <- fails with a compiler error (assertion failure)
  println(s"Type of annottee: $tpe2")

但是给Eugene Burmako的帖子,它看起来像目前不可能 ...

But given this post by Eugene Burmako, it looks like it is currently not possible...


在扩展宏注释时,注释者尚未为其创建符号(有时是,但是没有给出).结果,它不能由符号/类型来引用,而只能由树(例如树)来引用. Ident(TypeName("Foo")).当然,c.typecheck的结果将为您提供一些符号/类型,但仅用于自省,不能用作参考.

When the macro annotation is being expanded, the annottee doesn't have a symbol created for it yet (sometimes it does, but it's not at given). As a result, it cannot be referenced by a symbol/type, only by a tree, e.g. Ident(TypeName("Foo")). Sure, the result of c.typecheck will give you some symbol/type, but it would be usable only for introspection purposes, not as a point of reference.


This approach should work just fine if you steer clear from hygiene problems. If your companion object defines a class/type member called Foo, then Foo in Serializer[Foo] is going to bind to companion's member, not to the original class. At the moment there's no good way of dealing with that (scalac itself has to solve this problem when generating apply/unapplymethods for case classes, but you don't want to know how it's done). We're planning to provide a solution for this, but we'll only start working on it in the next month, so it'll be a while until it lands in trunk or even paradise.



09-06 22:08