

本文介绍了如何在共享资源中重用 VisualState、VisualStateGroup 和 VsualStateManager?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我创建了许多按钮,它们在我的 Windows Phone 项目中使用相同的 VisualStateManager、VisualStateGroup 和 VisualState.然后,我想将它们全部重用作为共享资源作为其他类型的元素,例如边距、颜色等.

I created many buttons that it use the same VisualStateManager, VisualStateGroup and VisualState in my Windows Phone project. Then, I want to reuse all of them as the shared resources as the other type of an element such as margin, colors etc.


But I found only the way to reuse storyboard that it would be better if I can reuse all of the VisualState.

是否有可重用的 VisualState 的解决方案?

Is there solution of the reusable VisualState?


我找到的解决方案我在 Windows 10 UWP app 上测试过,我测试了几个选项,比如反序列化 XAML、克隆等,但最终我发现了以下内容是最好的解决方案:

The solution I found I tested on Windows 10 UWP app, I have tested several options like deserializing XAML, cloning, etc, but in the end I found the following is the best solution:

   <DataTemplate x:Key="VisualStateTemplate">
        <VisualStateGroup >
            <VisualState x:Name="NarrowView" >
                    <AdaptiveTrigger MinWindowWidth="0" />
                    <Setter Target="Text.(RelativePanel.Below)" Value="Image" />
                    <Setter Target="Content.(RelativePanel.Below)" Value="Text" />
            <VisualState x:Name="WideView">
                    <AdaptiveTrigger MinWindowWidth="860" />
                    <Setter Target="Text.(RelativePanel.RightOf)" Value="Image" />
                    <Setter Target="Content.(RelativePanel.Below)" Value="Image" />


This is the first trick, with this you can 'load' the VisualStateGroup several times.

public class VisualStateExtensions : DependencyObject
    public static void SetVisualStatefromTemplate(UIElement element, DataTemplate value)
        element.SetValue(VisualStatefromTemplateProperty, value);

    public static DataTemplate GetVisualStatefromTemplate(UIElement element)
        return (DataTemplate) element.GetValue(VisualStatefromTemplateProperty);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty VisualStatefromTemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("VisualStatefromTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(VisualStateExtensions), new PropertyMetadata(null, VisualStatefromTemplateChanged));

    private static void VisualStatefromTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (d is FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
            var visualStateGroups = VisualStateManager.GetVisualStateGroups(frameworkElement);
            if (visualStateGroups != null)
                var template = (DataTemplate) e.NewValue;
                var content = (FrameworkElement) template.LoadContent();
                if (VisualStateManager.GetVisualStateGroups(content) is IList list)
                    var source = list.Cast<VisualStateGroup>().ToList();
                    var original = source.First();




This step is just copy and paste, and now in your controls simply add:

<UserControl x:Class="Example.MyUserControl1"...>
  <RelativePanel x:Name="Root" local:VisualStateExtensions.VisualStatefromTemplate="{StaticResource VisualStateTemplate}" >

 <UserControl x:Class="Example.MyUserControl2"...>
   <RelativePanel x:Name="Root" local:VisualStateExtensions.VisualStatefromTemplate="{StaticResource VisualStateTemplate}" >

有了这个,您可以在多个控件之间共享一个 VisualStateGroup,而无需重复代码.

And with this you can share a VisualStateGroup among multiple controls without repeating code.

这篇关于如何在共享资源中重用 VisualState、VisualStateGroup 和 VsualStateManager?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 21:53