本文介绍了NewRelic流& writeHeaders的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我们目前正在评估New Relic,并且有一个跟踪元素,我不确定我是否理解正确('(WPF客户端和WCF后端))-通常表示为'stream [some url ...] writeheaders'.我的猜测是将数据实际传输到服务器,但是我不确定为什么它写了写头?

We are currently evaluating New Relic and there's a trace element I'm not sure I understand correctly '(WPF client and WCF backend) - It usually says 'stream[some url...]writeheaders'. My guess would be the actually transfer of data to the server, however I'm not sure why it says writeheaders?


我相信这是为浏览器监视.该系统的有趣之处在于,由于New Relic尝试将应用程序代码内的事务与浏览器内部性能相关联,因此每个页眉都从应用程序监视代理获取ID.

I believe that this is evidence of creating the page headers for Browser Monitoring. One interesting thing about this system is that, since New Relic attempts to tie transactions within application code to in-browser performance, every page header grabs an ID from the application monitoring agent.


This system has changed significantly since 2013, so an updated agent may make slightly different calls related to browser monitoring.

这篇关于NewRelic流& writeHeaders的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 21:44