我的应用程序正在生成Code 39条形码,但是客户在扫描和重新打印打印件后,其文档管理系统在识别条形码时遇到了问题.
My application is generating a Code 39 barcode but a customer is having problems with their document management system recognizing the barcode after the prints have been scanned and re-printed.
I have also tested it using an online barcode reader which confirms that the barcode on their end document is not readable.
Is there a best type of barcode to use, that would give the best results after printing, scanning and re-printing elsewhere?
Here is an original barcode in the PDF straight from the application:
Here is a barcode once it has been printed, scanned and re-printed:
Testing using an online barcode reader results in:
I am using GNU Barcode to generate the barcode:
$ barcode -h
barcode: Options:
-i <arg> input file (strings to encode), default is stdin
-o <arg> output file, default is stdout
-b <arg> string to encode (use input file if missing)
-e <arg> encoding type (default is best fit for first string)
-u <arg> unit ("mm", "in", ...) used to decode -g, -t, -p
-g <arg> geometry on the page: [<wid>x<hei>][+<margin>+<margin>]
-t <arg> table geometry: <cols>x<lines>[+<margin>+<margin>]
-m <arg> internal margin for each item in a table: <xm>[,<ym>]
-n "numeric": avoid printing text along with the bars
-c no Checksum character, if the chosen encoding allows it
-E print one code as eps file (default: multi-page ps)
-P create PCL output instead of postscript
-p <arg> page size (refer to the man page)
Known encodings are (synonyms appear on the same line):
"ean", "ean13", "ean-13", "ean8", "ean-8"
"upc", "upc-a", "upc-e"
"39", "code39"
"128c", "code128c"
"128b", "code128b"
"128", "code128"
"i25", "interleaved 2 of 5"
"cbr", "codabar"
"pls", "plessey"
"code93", "93"
Code 39 is a low-data-density barcode that is tolerant of a wide X-dimension (the width of a narrow bar) and highly discriminating narrow-wide ratio (up to 1:3). As far as barcode symbologies go this makes it better suited than others at being transferred over a low resolution, noisy medium.
Code 39标准允许使用模43校验位,以减少误读的可能性.我注意到,这在您的扫描图像中不存在(尽管它在您的源图像中),所以也许您的系统可以升级以适应此情况.
The Code 39 standard permits the use of a modulo 43 check digit which reduces the possibility of misreads. I notice that this isn't present in your scanned image (although it is in your source image) so perhaps your system can be upgraded to accommodate this.
The most significant problem with the images that you have provided is that the width of the narrow-most spaces is under-sized leading to a corruption of the barcode. In the case of the source image this is due to pixel-grazing and in the case of the scanned image this may be exaggerated due to ink-spread/bleed.
To demonstrate the effect of "ink-spread" I have superimposed your scanned image with an cleaner barcode:
You can observe that towards the right hand side of the image that the narrow space between two adjacent narrow bars has been compressed out of the image to form a single wide bar.
To improve things at source you can try the following:
- 通过确保执行条形码生成操作,从而将符号的X维度设置为输出设备的原始分辨率的倍数来避免像素掠夺,该过程有时称为网格拟合". li>
- 通过修改GNU条形码库以从条形码宽度中减去少量固定量来补偿墨水扩散,以便与您的打印和扫描过程兼容.
- 将条形图和空格的窄宽比最大化为1:3.
- 最大化您的X维度.
Migrating to another barcode symbology is unlikely to help as these same issues will probably affect it to an even greater extent.
Further information about high-quality barcode generation is given in this answer.
这篇关于如何产生可以在传真后可靠读取的Code 39的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!