In my application, I am inserting values in database from a different class which gives me id of inserted row.I have registered an observer of it in my UI and whenever any row is inserted, my UI content observer will get called.Both the classes are entirely different so I am finding it difficult to get inserted row id.Is there any way to get this row id in my content observer so that I can update my UI accordingly?
P.S。 context.getContentResolver()有NotifyChange(URI,空)。是不是我的解决方案,因为我想实现的(更新影响的变化)的用户界面。
P.S. context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); is not my solution, as i want effected in ( to update effected change ) on UI .
在插入新行,你必须手动调用有NotifyChange :
When you insert the new row, you have to manually call notifyChange:
context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
在code表示插入的行应该有机会获得新的rowid,并应能构建URI传递给有NotifyChange。当通知更改被调用时,它应该引起所有 ContentObservers