


  1. static int __init at24_init(void)
  2. {
  3. io_limit = rounddown_pow_of_two(io_limit);
  4. return i2c_add_driver(&at24_driver);                                   //注册i2c驱动设备
  5. }


  1. static struct i2c_driver at24_driver = {
  2. .driver = {
  3. .name = "at24",
  4. .owner = THIS_MODULE,
  5. },
  6. .probe = at24_probe,                                                  //找到驱动对应的设备调用的函数
  7. .remove = __devexit_p(at24_remove),
  8. .id_table = at24_ids,                                                 //这个表里的设备都支持
  9. };


  1. static int at24_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id)
  2. {
  3. struct at24_platform_data chip;
  4. bool writable;
  5. bool use_smbus = false;
  6. struct at24_data *at24;
  7. int err;
  8. unsigned i, num_addresses;
  9. kernel_ulong_t magic;
  10. if (client->dev.platform_data) {
  11. chip = *(struct at24_platform_data *)client->dev.platform_data;
  12. } else {
  13. if (!id->driver_data) {
  14. err = -ENODEV;
  15. goto err_out;
  16. }
  17. magic = id->driver_data;
  18. chip.byte_len = BIT(magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN));
  19. magic >>= AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN;
  20. chip.flags = magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_FLAGS);
  21. /*
  22. * This is slow, but we can't know all eeproms, so we better
  23. * play safe. Specifying custom eeprom-types via platform_data
  24. * is recommended anyhow.
  25. */
  26. chip.page_size = 1;
  27. chip.setup = NULL;
  28. chip.context = NULL;
  29. }
  30. if (!is_power_of_2(chip.byte_len))
  31. dev_warn(&client->dev,
  32. "byte_len looks suspicious (no power of 2)!\n");
  33. if (!is_power_of_2(chip.page_size))
  34. dev_warn(&client->dev,
  35. "page_size looks suspicious (no power of 2)!\n");
  36. /* Use I2C operations unless we're stuck with SMBus extensions. */
  37. if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) {
  38. if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) {
  39. err = -EPFNOSUPPORT;
  40. goto err_out;
  41. }
  42. if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
  44. err = -EPFNOSUPPORT;
  45. goto err_out;
  46. }
  47. use_smbus = true;
  48. }
  49. if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_TAKE8ADDR)
  50. num_addresses = 8;
  51. else
  52. num_addresses =    DIV_ROUND_UP(chip.byte_len,
  53. (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) ? 65536 : 256);
  54. at24 = kzalloc(sizeof(struct at24_data) +
  55. num_addresses * sizeof(struct i2c_client *), GFP_KERNEL);
  56. if (!at24) {
  57. err = -ENOMEM;
  58. goto err_out;
  59. }
  60. mutex_init(&at24->lock);
  61. at24->use_smbus = use_smbus;
  62. at24->chip = chip;
  63. at24->num_addresses = num_addresses;
  64. /*
  65. * Export the EEPROM bytes through sysfs, since that's convenient.
  66. * By default, only root should see the data (maybe passwords etc)
  67. */
  68. at24->bin.attr.name = "eeprom";
  69. at24->bin.attr.mode = chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_IRUGO ? S_IRUGO : S_IRUSR;
  70. at24->bin.read = at24_bin_read;
  71. at24->bin.size = chip.byte_len;
  72. at24->macc.read = at24_macc_read;
  73. writable = !(chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_READONLY);
  74. if (writable) {
  75. if (!use_smbus || i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,
  77. unsigned write_max = chip.page_size;
  78. at24->macc.write = at24_macc_write;
  79. at24->bin.write = at24_bin_write;                          //这里注册了at24_bin_write,用户的write函数的调用接口
  80. at24->bin.attr.mode |= S_IWUSR;
  81. if (write_max > io_limit)
  82. write_max = io_limit;
  83. if (use_smbus && write_max > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)
  84. write_max = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;
  85. at24->write_max = write_max;
  86. /* buffer (data + address at the beginning) */
  87. at24->writebuf = kmalloc(write_max + 2, GFP_KERNEL);
  88. if (!at24->writebuf) {
  89. err = -ENOMEM;
  90. goto err_struct;
  91. }
  92. } else {
  93. dev_warn(&client->dev,
  94. "cannot write due to controller restrictions.");
  95. }
  96. }
  97. at24->client[0] = client;
  98. /* use dummy devices for multiple-address chips */
  99. for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++) {
  100. at24->client[i] = i2c_new_dummy(client->adapter,
  101. client->addr + i);
  102. if (!at24->client[i]) {
  103. dev_err(&client->dev, "address 0x%02x unavailable\n",
  104. client->addr + i);
  105. err = -EADDRINUSE;
  106. goto err_clients;
  107. }
  108. }
  109. err = sysfs_create_bin_file(&client->dev.kobj, &at24->bin);          //创建一个文件应用程序实际上是在/sys目录下的文件,而这个文件就是它函数创建的。
  110. if (err)
  111. goto err_clients;
  112. i2c_set_clientdata(client, at24);
  113. dev_info(&client->dev, "%zu byte %s EEPROM %s\n",
  114. at24->bin.size, client->name,
  115. writable ? "(writable)" : "(read-only)");
  116. dev_dbg(&client->dev,
  117. "page_size %d, num_addresses %d, write_max %d%s\n",
  118. chip.page_size, num_addresses,
  119. at24->write_max,
  120. use_smbus ? ", use_smbus" : "");
  121. /* export data to kernel code */
  122. if (chip.setup)
  123. chip.setup(&at24->macc, chip.context);
  124. return 0;
  125. err_clients:
  126. for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++)
  127. if (at24->client[i])
  128. i2c_unregister_device(at24->client[i]);
  129. kfree(at24->writebuf);
  130. err_struct:
  131. kfree(at24);
  132. err_out:
  133. dev_dbg(&client->dev, "probe error %d\n", err);
  134. return err;
  135. }


  1. static ssize_t at24_bin_write(struct kobject *kobj, struct bin_attribute *attr,
  2. char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
  3. {
  4. struct at24_data *at24;
  5. at24 = dev_get_drvdata(container_of(kobj, struct device, kobj));
  6. return at24_write(at24, buf, off, count);                        //调用at24_write
  7. }


  1. static ssize_t at24_write(struct at24_data *at24, const char *buf, loff_t off,
  2. size_t count)
  3. {
  4. ssize_t retval = 0;
  5. if (unlikely(!count))
  6. return count;
  7. mutex_lock(&at24->lock);
  8. while (count) {
  9. ssize_t    status;
  10. status = at24_eeprom_write(at24, buf, off, count);                    //调用at24_eeprom_write
  11. if (status <= 0) {
  12. if (retval == 0)
  13. retval = status;
  14. break;
  15. }
  16. buf += status;
  17. off += status;
  18. count -= status;
  19. retval += status;
  20. }
  21. mutex_unlock(&at24->lock);
  22. return retval;
  23. }


  1. static ssize_t at24_eeprom_write(struct at24_data *at24, const char *buf,
  2. unsigned offset, size_t count)
  3. {
  4. struct i2c_client *client;
  5. struct i2c_msg msg;
  6. ssize_t status;
  7. unsigned long timeout, write_time;
  8. unsigned next_page;
  9. /* Get corresponding I2C address and adjust offset */
  10. client = at24_translate_offset(at24, &offset);
  11. /* write_max is at most a page */
  12. if (count > at24->write_max)
  13. count = at24->write_max;
  14. /* Never roll over backwards, to the start of this page */
  15. next_page = roundup(offset + 1, at24->chip.page_size);
  16. if (offset + count > next_page)
  17. count = next_page - offset;
  18. /* If we'll use I2C calls for I/O, set up the message */                     //I2C的消息
  19. if (!at24->use_smbus) {
  20. int i = 0;
  21. msg.addr = client->addr;
  22. msg.flags = 0;
  23. /* msg.buf is u8 and casts will mask the values */
  24. msg.buf = at24->writebuf;
  25. if (at24->chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)
  26. msg.buf[i++] = offset >> 8;
  27. msg.buf[i++] = offset;                                          //提供偏移地址
  28. memcpy(&msg.buf[i], buf, count);                                //拷贝用户发送数据
  29. msg.len = i + count;                                            //设置长度
  30. }
  31. /*
  32. * Writes fail if the previous one didn't complete yet. We may
  33. * loop a few times until this one succeeds, waiting at least
  34. * long enough for one entire page write to work.
  35. */
  36. timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(write_timeout);
  37. do {
  38. write_time = jiffies;
  39. if (at24->use_smbus) {
  40. status = i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data(client,
  41. offset, count, buf);
  42. if (status == 0)
  43. status = count;
  44. } else {
  45. status = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, &msg, 1);                     //交给I2C控制器完成
  46. if (status == 1)
  47. status = count;
  48. }
  49. dev_dbg(&client->dev, "write %zu@%d --> %zd (%ld)\n",
  50. count, offset, status, jiffies);
  51. if (status == count)
  52. return count;
  53. /* REVISIT: at HZ=100, this is sloooow */
  54. msleep(1);
  55. } while (time_before(write_time, timeout));
  56. return -ETIMEDOUT;
  57. }


  1. int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num)
  2. {
  3. int ret;
  4. if (adap->algo->master_xfer) {
  5. #ifdef DEBUG
  6. for (ret = 0; ret < num; ret++) {
  7. dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "master_xfer[%d] %c, addr=0x%02x, "
  8. "len=%d%s\n", ret, (msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RD)
  9. ? 'R' : 'W', msgs[ret].addr, msgs[ret].len,
  10. (msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN) ? "+" : "");
  11. }
  12. #endif
  13. if (in_atomic() || irqs_disabled()) {
  14. ret = mutex_trylock(&adap->bus_lock);
  15. if (!ret)
  16. /* I2C activity is ongoing. */
  17. return -EAGAIN;
  18. } else {
  19. mutex_lock_nested(&adap->bus_lock, adap->level);
  20. }
  21. ret = adap->algo->master_xfer(adap,msgs,num);                   //调用控制器中的算法
  22. mutex_unlock(&adap->bus_lock);
  23. return ret;
  24. } else {
  25. dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "I2C level transfers not supported\n");
  26. return -EOPNOTSUPP;
  27. }
  28. }


  1. static ssize_t at24_bin_read(struct kobject *kobj, struct bin_attribute *attr,
  2. char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
  3. {
  4. struct at24_data *at24;
  5. at24 = dev_get_drvdata(container_of(kobj, struct device, kobj));
  6. return at24_read(at24, buf, off, count);                               //调用at24_read
  7. }


  1. static ssize_t at24_read(struct at24_data *at24,
  2. char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
  3. {
  4. ssize_t retval = 0;
  5. if (unlikely(!count))
  6. return count;
  7. mutex_lock(&at24->lock);
  8. while (count) {
  9. ssize_t    status;
  10. status = at24_eeprom_read(at24, buf, off, count);                  //继续调用at24_eeprom_read
  11. if (status <= 0) {
  12. if (retval == 0)
  13. retval = status;
  14. break;
  15. }
  16. buf += status;
  17. off += status;
  18. count -= status;
  19. retval += status;
  20. }
  21. mutex_unlock(&at24->lock);
  22. return retval;
  23. }


  1. static ssize_t at24_eeprom_read(struct at24_data *at24, char *buf,
  2. unsigned offset, size_t count)
  3. {
  4. struct i2c_msg msg[2];
  5. u8 msgbuf[2];
  6. struct i2c_client *client;
  7. int status, i;
  8. memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
  9. client = at24_translate_offset(at24, &offset);
  10. if (count > io_limit)
  11. count = io_limit;
  12. /* Smaller eeproms can work given some SMBus extension calls */
  13. if (at24->use_smbus) {
  14. if (count > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)
  15. count = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;
  16. status = i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data(client, offset,
  17. count, buf);
  18. dev_dbg(&client->dev, "smbus read %zu@%d --> %d\n",
  19. count, offset, status);
  20. return (status < 0) ? -EIO : status;
  21. }
  22. i = 0;
  23. if (at24->chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)
  24. msgbuf[i++] = offset >> 8;
  25. msgbuf[i++] = offset;                                                //设置偏移
  26. msg[0].addr = client->addr;                                          //第一条消息,提供从设备地址
  27. msg[0].buf = msgbuf;
  28. msg[0].len = i;
  29. msg[1].addr = client->addr;                                          //第二条消息
  30. msg[1].flags = I2C_M_RD;                                             //flags是读
  31. msg[1].buf = buf;                                                    //提供数据量
  32. msg[1].len = count;
  33. status = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, msg, 2);
  34. dev_dbg(&client->dev, "i2c read %zu@%d --> %d\n",
  35. count, offset, status);
  36. if (status == 2)
  37. return count;
  38. else if (status >= 0)
  39. return -EIO;
  40. else
  41. return status;
  42. }



  1. static void __init tq2440_machine_init(void)
  2. {
  3. s3c24xx_fb_set_platdata(&tq2440_fb_info);
  4. s3c_i2c0_set_platdata(NULL);
  5. platform_add_devices(tq2440_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(tq2440_devices));
  6. EmbedSky_machine_init();
  7. s3c2410_gpio_setpin(S3C2410_GPG12, 0);
  8. s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2410_GPG12, S3C2410_GPIO_OUTPUT);
  9. s3c24xx_udc_set_platdata(&EmbedSky_udc_cfg);
  10. }


  1. static struct at24_platform_data at24c02 = {
  2. .byte_len = 2048 / 8,
  3. .page_size = 8,
  4. .flags = 0,
  5. };
  6. static struct i2c_board_info __initdata tq2440_i2c_devices[] = {
  7. {
  8. I2C_BOARD_INFO("24c02", 0x50),
  9. .platform_data = &at24c02,
  10. },
  11. };


  1. i2c_register_board_info(0, tq2440_i2c_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(tq2440_i2c_devices));


  1. #include <linux/i2c.h>
  2. #include <linux/i2c/at24.h>



  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <sys/types.h>
  3. #include <sys/stat.h>
  4. #include <fcntl.h>
  5. #include <unistd.h>
  6. int main()
  7. {
  8. char write_data[256],read_data[256];
  9. int fd;
  10. int i = 0;
  11. //打开at24c02对应的sys文件
  12. fd = open("/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom", O_RDWR);
  13. //写入数据
  14. for(i=0;i<256;i++)
  15. write_data[i] = i;
  16. lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
  17. write(fd, write_data, 256);
  18. //读出数据
  19. lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
  20. read(fd, read_data, 256);
  21. //打印对比
  22. for(i=0;i<256;i++)
  23. {
  24. if(i%16 == 0) printf("\r\n");
  25. printf("%3d ",read_data[i]);
  26. }
  27. printf("\n");
  28. close(fd);
  29. }
05-18 08:50