


我想使用 Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync 在适用于 Windows 8 的 JavaScript 应用程序中启动 URL,但我希望它以快照视图启动.有没有办法做到这一点?

I want to launch a URL in my JavaScript app for Windows 8 using Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync, but I want it to start in a snapped view. Is there any way to do this?



You can't start an app in snapped more or cause another to be started in that mode. One key thing to note is that a snapped view might not even be possible depending on the orientation or resolution of the screen. Additionally, with the philosophy of the user being in charge, it should be his/her choice to move to snapped mode.

您可以通过 TryUnsnap;但是,指南确实指出

让用户掌控.不要以编程方式取消您的应用程序以获取用户的注意力.Unsnapping 应仅保留用于当用户尝试使用不可用的功能时的情况在捕捉状态.如果您的应用程序已捕捉所有页面的视图应用程序,您根本不需要以编程方式取消对齐.

不要添加 UI 控件来以编程方式取消对齐您的应用.分离器应用程序之间始终存在,并让用户随时取消对齐他们想要.

Don't add UI controls to programmatically unsnap your app. The splitterbetween the apps is always present and lets the user unsnap wheneverthey want to.



09-06 18:17