

我正在创建一个将大量使用PDF文件查看功能的应用程序.通过WebBrowser使用WindowsFormsHost是否有区别/优势? WebBrowser与WindowsFormsHost设置仅是一行代码.因此,我很好奇使用WindowsFormsHost是否有任何优势?

I'm creating an application that will heavily use PDF file viewing. Is there a difference/advantage in using WindowsFormsHost over WebBrowser? WebBrowser is just a line of code versus WindowsFormsHost setup. So, I'm curious if there are any advantages of using WindowsFormsHost?


WPF WebBrowser控件默认情况下在IE保护模式下运行,并且Adobe PDF Reader插件已知与此有关.检查此问题.我会选择WindowsFormsHost并直接托管PDF Reader ActiveX,操作方法.

WPF WebBrowser control runs in IE protected mode by default, and Adobe PDF Reader plugin is known to have issues with that. Check this question. I'd go with WindowsFormsHost and host PDF Reader ActiveX directly, here's how.


10-16 09:52