我正在尝试使用HTML 5视频元素在iPad(Safari浏览器)上播放.mp4视频。使用HTTP一切正常。但是,使用HTTPS访问时,视频不会加载(或播放)。如果我从桌面Chrome浏览器访问同一网站,我可以使用HTTPS加载和播放视频。网上有其他关于Quicktime和HTTPS无法在iPad上运行的提示。这是同一个问题吗?
I'm trying to play an .mp4 video on an iPad (Safari browser) using the HTML 5 video element. Everything works fine using HTTP. However, the video will not load (or play) when accessed using HTTPS. If I access the same web site from my Desktop Chrome browser, I can load and play the video using HTTPS. There are hints elsewhere on the Web about Quicktime and HTTPS not working on the iPad. Is this the same issue?
您使用的SSL证书可能不是由受信任的根证书颁发机构(或CA)颁发的)iOS / Safari。
The SSL certificate you are using probably was not issued by a trusted Root Certificate Authority (or CA) of iOS/Safari.
SSL certificates nowadays are most-likely issued by "Intermediate CAs".
That is, a CA that's trusted by the root CA.
However, your browser/OS knows nothing about that.
It only knows that your SSL certificate was issued by a CA that it doesn't trust.
因此,您必须让iOS / Safari知道您的中间CA实际上受到Safari信任的根CA的信任。
So you have to let iOS/Safari know that your intermediate CA is actually trusted by the root CA that Safari trusts.
因此,您需要从CA下载中级证书,并在您的服务器上安装该中级证书,以便Safari / iOS播放您的HTTPS视频(HTTPS = HTTP通过SSL)。
So you need to download the Intermediate Certificate from your CA, and install that Intermediate Certificate on your server, in order for Safari/iOS to play your HTTPS video (HTTPS = HTTP via SSL).
In case your CA is a CA that's trusted by a CA that's trusted by a root CA, you'll need to install the second intermediate certificate as well. Generally speaking, if you're CA's trust level is chained N times, you need to put all N certificates on your server.
cat certfile1 certfile2 ... certfileN > www.YOUR_DOMAIN.com.chained.crt
cat www.example.com.crt intermediary.crt > www.example.com.chained.crt
Then you put the chained certificate into the virtual server's configuration file (this is for nginx):
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name www.example.com;
ssl_certificate www.example.com.chained.crt;
ssl_certificate_key www.example.com.key;
And just in case you're young and naïve:
SSL Certificate Chain order matters
(to some very, very picky SSL implementations)
<your certificate>
<your cert signer>
<signer for your cert signer>
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