< / head> < body> < object data =" test2.html"待机="请待机...正在加载文字> 替代内容 < / object> < / body> < / html>The following file, as far as I know, should work. However, I get ablank page. Using IE 7"test2.html" is a simple file which has nothing more than "GoodbyeWorld" in it.Am I doing something wrong? If so, what? If not, why doesn''t thiswork for me? I''ve also tried it using an absolute path for test2.html- makes no difference.Thank you!<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><title></title></head><body><object data="test2.html" standby="Please standby...Loading Text">Alternate Content</object></body></html>推荐答案 Dudely< ab **** @ gmail.comwrote :Dudely <ab****@gmail.comwrote: news: 11 ******** @ q75g2000hsh.googlegroups。 com 据我所知,以下文件应该有效。但是,我得到一个 的空白页面。使用IE 7news: 11**********************@q75g2000hsh.googlegroups. comThe following file, as far as I know, should work. However, I get ablank page. Using IE 7 [snip][snip] 我做错了什么?如果是这样,什么?如果没有,为什么这个 对我有用?我也尝试过使用test2.html的绝对路径 - 没有区别。Am I doing something wrong? If so, what? If not, why doesn''t thiswork for me? I''ve also tried it using an absolute path for test2.html- makes no difference. [snip][snip] < object data =" test2.html"待机="请待机...正在加载文字> 替代内容 < / object><object data="test2.html" standby="Please standby...Loading Text"> Alternate Content</object> [snip] 给对象一个宽度和高度。 - BootNic 2007年4月5日星期四12:31 我的问题在于调整我的总体习惯和我的净收入。 * Errol Flynn *[snip]Give the object a width and height.--BootNic Thursday, April 05, 2007 12:31 AMMy problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.*Errol Flynn* Scripsit BootNic:Scripsit BootNic: 给对象一个宽度和高度。Give the object a width and height. 说明:IE使用默认宽度和高度0表示< objectelement。 (如果使用CSS设置边框元素,你会看到元素 ,只有空内容和零维度,当你没有设置 的尺寸时。)长之前有人争论这是一个bug还是只是一个非常糟糕的功能。 您可以设置宽度百分比或纯数字(在CSS中解释为 像素)。然后,您可以使用其他更多 合适的单位来更正CSS中的尺寸,例如em单位。 - Jukka K. Korpela(Yucca) http:// www .cs.tut.fi / ~jkorpela /Explanation: IE uses default width and height of 0 for an <objectelement.(If you use CSS to set a border on the element, you''ll see that the elementis there, just with empty content and zero dimensions, when you don''t setthe dimensions.) Long ago it was debated whether this is a bug or just anawfully awful feature.You can set the width in a percentage or as a pure number (interpreted aspixels) in CSS. You can then correct the dimensions in CSS using other, moresuitable units like the em unit.--Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/谢谢你们两位。这样可行。但是,我注意到它包含了滚动条的。我该怎么办呢? 再次感谢! 4月5日上午12:33,Jukka K. Korpela < jkorp ... @ cs.tut.fiwrote:Thank you to both of you. That works. However, I notice it includesa scrollbar. How can I turn that off?Thanks again!On Apr 5, 12:33 am, "Jukka K. Korpela" <[email protected]: Scripsit BootNic:Scripsit BootNic: 对象的宽度和高度。 Give the object a width and height. 说明:IE使用默认宽度和高度0表示< objectelement。 (如果使用CSS设置边框元素,你会看到元素 ,只有空内容和零维度,当你没有设置 的尺寸时。)长之前有人争论这是一个bug还是只是一个非常糟糕的功能。 您可以设置宽度百分比或纯数字(在CSS中解释为 像素)。然后,您可以使用其他更多 合适的单位来更正CSS中的尺寸,例如em单位。 - Jukka K. Korpela(Yucca) http://www.cs.tut .fi / ~jkorpela / 这篇关于需要帮助使用OBJECT标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-06 17:56