





  c>      $ c> basic_ostream 类模板中的$ c>重载

  basic_ostream< charT ,traits>& operator<  basic_ostream< charT,traits>&(* pf)(basic_ostream< charT,traits>& 

参数是一个指向函数的指针,返回一个 std :: ostream 。

这意味着您可以将带有此签名的函数流式传输到 ostream 对象,它具有在流上调用该函数的效果。如果在表达式中使用函数的名称,那么它(通常)被转换为指向该函数的指针。

std :: hex 是 std :: ios_base 机械手,定义如下。

 code> ios_base& hex(ios_base& str); 

这意味着流 hex 到 ostream 将设置输出基本格式化标志以十六进制输出数字。机械手本身不输出任何东西。

It is well known that the user can define stream manipulators like this:

ostream& tab(ostream & output)
    return output<< '\t';

And this can be used in main() like this:


Please explain me how does this all work? If operator<< assumes as a second parameter a pointer to the function that takes and returns ostream &, then please explain my why it is necessary? What would be wrong if the function does not take and return ostream & but it was void instead of ostream &?

Also it is interesting why "dec", "hex" manipulators take effect until I don’t change between them, but user defined manipulators should be always used in order to take effect for each streaming?


The standard defines the following operator<< overload in the basic_ostream class template:

basic_ostream<charT,traits>& operator<<(
    basic_ostream<charT,traits>& (*pf) (basic_ostream<charT,traits>&) );

The parameter is a pointer to a function taking an returning a reference to a std::ostream.

This means that you can "stream" a function with this signature to an ostream object and it has the effect of calling that function on the stream. If you use the name of a function in an expression then it is (usually) converted to a pointer to that function.

std::hex is an std::ios_base manipulator defined as follows.

   ios_base& hex(ios_base& str);

This means that streaming hex to an ostream will set the output base formatting flags to output numbers in hexadecimal. The manipulator doesn't output anything itself.



09-06 17:56