Chapter 15 API

java.util.logging package

The constructor of Logger class is protected. If Logger instance is needed, must use static function getLogger().


Logger logger = Logger.gerLogger("cc.openhome.Main");

//Logger logger = Logger.gerLogger(Main.class.getName());
//If you add '.class' you can get the class instance, then '.getName' can get the full name


for changeable information, it is considerable to move it out of program.

.properties must be put in classpath.

20145109 《Java程序设计》第八周学习总结-LMLPHP

20145109 《Java程序设计》第八周学习总结-LMLPHP


It contains two points: Language code & Country code.

Language code:

ca: Catalan
zh: Chinese

Country code:

IT: Italy
TW: Taiwan
CN: China

Regular Expression

Character class:

[ ] means if any:

    for (String token : "Justin1Monica2Irene3".split("[123]")) {
  • means from to:

    [1-5], [a-z]

^ means without:


Greedy quantifier, Reluctant quantifier

Greedy quantifier will find the suitable words as longer as possible.

\d{4}-\d{6} equals \d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d\d\d

xfooxxxxxxxfo if compared by .*foo, it 's the full

Reluctant quantifier will find the suitable words as shorter as possible.

xfooxxxxxxxfo if compared by .*?foo, there will be two: xfoo and xxxxxxxfo

Possessive quantifier will eat all suitable words and won't back-up

xfooxxxxxxxfo if compared by .?+foo, there's none left, because .+ is suitable for xfooxxxxxxxfo, so nothing left.

05-19 12:59