





Using the shiny widget gallery as reference, I was wondering whether it's possible to change the colour scheme of widgets? Specifically, while some seem to inherit css theme elements, some - such as the sliderInput widget - retain the default blue.


As a related aside, highlighting text within shiny apps also adopts a blue highlight colour. I'm sure there is a straightforward way to change this along the same lines?



Here's a minimal example for the specific case of modifying the colour of a Shiny slider bar:


ui <- fluidPage(

  # CSS styles
  tags$style(HTML(".irs-bar {background: yellow}")),
  tags$style(HTML(".irs-bar {border-top: 1px solid green}")),
  tags$style(HTML(".irs-bar-edge {background: red}")),
  tags$style(HTML(".irs-bar-edge {border: 1px solid red}")),

  # Slider
  sliderInput("slider", "Pick a value:", value = 4, min = 1, max = 10)


server <- function(input, output) {}

runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))


If you're using a browser that supports it (for example Chrome or Firefox), you can right click on a web page and select "Inspect Element". This will open a viewer that shows you the HTML source code and the attached styles etc. It's really handy for understanding the structure of HTML elements.

在其他答案之后,您也可以将此行添加到 ui 标记中,以更改选择突出显示的颜色:

Following the other answer, you could also add this line to your ui tags in order to change the selection highlight colour:

tags$style(HTML("::selection {background: tomato}")),

如果您发现自己正在修改许多不同的CSS样式并使用 style 标签使 ui.R 混乱,那么您也可以编写CSS在一个单独的 .css 文件中,并通过使用 includeCSS 函数将其包含在您的Shiny应用程序中-这将使您的代码更加整洁,并获得了更多的好处能够从文本编辑器中突出显示CSS语法.

If you find yourself in a situation where you're modifying lots of different CSS styles and cluttering your ui.R with style tags, you can also write your CSS in a separate .css file and include it in your Shiny app by using the includeCSS function - this will make your code a lot cleaner, and you gain the added benefit of being able to get CSS syntax highlighting from a text editor.

这里是一个使用外部CSS文件创建番茄主题"的示例,实际上是将滑块和选择主题的颜色更改为 tomato :

Here's an example of using an external CSS file to create a "tomato theme", essentially changing the slider and selection theme colour to tomato:

1..在您的应用文件夹中创建一个名为 tomatoTheme.css 的文件:

1. Create a file called tomatoTheme.css in your app folder:

::selection {
    background: tomato

::-moz-selection {
    background: tomato

.irs-single {background: tomato}

[class|="irs-bar"] {
    background: tomato;
    border: tomato

2..通过使用 includeCSS :


ui <- fluidPage(

  # CSS styles

  # Slider
  sliderInput("slider", "Pick a value:", value = 4, min = 1, max = 10)


server <- function(input, output) {}

runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))



09-06 17:44