I pulled down this example from GitHub:
连接到原始appsettings时有效,但当我将其更改为我的B2C应用程序时,我收到401错误。 我已经尝试了所有可能的组合并多次查看说明,但我仍然得到了401。
It works when connecting to the original appsettings, but when I change it to my B2C application, I get a 401 error. I've tried every possible combination and gone over the instructions several times, but I still get the 401.
So then I tried connecting using PostMan and the instructions I found here:
而且,有趣的是,这很好用。 然后我拆开了请求以找出不同的内容。 显然,示例应用程序尝试连接到管理局:
And, interestingly, that works just fine. So then I pulled apart the requests to find out what was different. Apparently the example application tries to connect to the Authority at:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/tfp/ {tenant} / {policy} /oauth2/v2.0/authorize
But the Postman example tries to connect to the authority at:
https:// {tenant} .b2clogin.com / {tenant} / oauth2 / v2.0 / authorize?p = B2C_1_Sign_In
所以我更进了一步,将安全令牌从Postman中复制出来并将其塞进我的客户端应用程序中。 它工作正常!
So I took it one step further and copied the security token out of Postman and jammed it into my client application. It worked!
当然,我认为下一步是采用PostMan权限并将其放在桌面应用程序中。 它失败了。 当我检查
PublicClientApplication 时,权限已被截断为:
So naturally I thought the next step would be to take the PostMan authority and place it in the Desktop application. It failed. When I examined thePublicClientApplication, the authority had been truncated to just:
https://gammafourdevelopment.b2clogin.com/gammafourdevelopment.onmicrosoft。 com /
Would someone please give me an idea how this API is supposed to work as none of the examples seem to be current (except the Postman example)?
1.创建AD B2C目录。
2.创建用户流(策略) ) - > " B2C_1_signin_signup"和"B2C_1_password_reset"。
3.在B2C中创建本机应用程序并将自定义重定向uri添加为" com.onmicrosoft。< tenant-name> .appname:// redirect /路径"。$
4.克隆github repo。
I did the below steps:
1. Create AD B2C directory.
2. Create user flows(policies)-> "B2C_1_signin_signup" and "B2C_1_password_reset".
3. Create native application in B2C and add the custom redirect uri as "com.onmicrosoft.<tenant-name>.appname://redirect/path".
4. clone the github repo.
5. In App class, change the below values:
Tenant =< tenant-name> .onmicrosoft.com),clientId,PolicySignUpSignIn =" B2C_1_signin_signup",PolicyEditProfile =" b2c_1_edit_profile",PolicyResetPassword =" B2C_1_password_reset"和fabrikamb2c到我的< tenant-name>
Tenant = <tenant-name>.onmicrosoft.com), clientId, PolicySignUpSignIn = "B2C_1_signin_signup", PolicyEditProfile = "b2c_1_edit_profile", PolicyResetPassword = "B2C_1_password_reset" and fabrikamb2c to my <tenant-name>
Run the sample, it's working fine.
Could you please check your signupSignin and password reset policy names and custom redirect uri. I would suggest to copy the name of the policies from the portal and paste it into the code.
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