



I have been reading a lot about not saving the tokens in the user agent storage and I agree with the risks mentioned.But going through some of the Auth0 quickstart examples, I see the tokens being saved in the session and using session cookies to track them.

其他人提到以较低的风险将实际令牌保存为httpOnly cookie.

Others mention saving the actual token as an httpOnly cookie with lower risks involved.


  • 如何将其视为无状态?特别是在可伸缩性和负载平衡器的潜在用途方面.
  • 替代品,内存缓存和数据库存储吗?与会话有什么不同吗?
  • 对于SPA,如何保持记住我的功能?


Asi Kavindu写道,localStorage是个好地方.如果您想保护应用程序不受XSS攻击,请使用内容安全策略,因此浏览器仅执行您的JavaScript代码.最近有关于 OAuth 2.0和基于浏览器的应用,因此您可以对其进行检查.

Asi Kavindu wrote, localStorage is a good place. If you want to protect the application against XSS attacks, use Content Security Policy, so a browser executes only your JavaScript code. There is a recent RFC about best practices for OAuth 2.0 and Browser-Based Apps, so you can check it.


If you want to keep state (session) on your backend with multiple backend nodes (cluster), you can use some shared data storage such as database or Hazelcast. The architecture is stateful in the same way as a single backend node with an in-memory session.

如果您的后端有一个会话和一个cookie,则不再需要访问令牌,因为yor SPA只会调用您的后端,并且令牌的作用与cookie中的会话ID相同.

If you have a session on your backend and a cookie, you don't need an access token anymore, since yor SPA calls just your backend and the token would serve the same purpose as the session ID from the cookie.


The remember me functionality can be implemented using a cookie either at your authentication provider (probably better choice from the security standpoint) or your own application.


Architecture choices are usually trade-offs between simplicity and scalability. If you are just starting developing the application and not sure what to choose, I would go for simplicity, because even if you want to change it later, it should be easier to refactor.



09-06 16:55