本文介绍了msal-browser 2.0,PC平台和登录/令牌获取的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我通读了文档,似乎建议我们需要通过异步对话框运行 msal 登录,因为对于 web 上的 Office,任务窗格的起点不是最顶层的窗口.

I read through the docs and it seems to suggest that we need to run msal login via an async dialog because for office on the web, the taskpane starting point is not the topmost window.

但是,在 PC 平台类型上,我认为任务窗格是顶级的.

However, on the PC platformtype, I think the taskpane is toplevel.

这是否意味着在 PC 平台上,我应该能够直接在任务窗格本身中运行重定向对话框而不会出现问题?

Does that mean that on the PC platform, I should be able to run a redirect dialog without issues directly in the taskpane itself?

我正在尝试使用 msal-browser (msal 2.0),但我一直让任务窗格在 Outlook 桌面应用程序之外弹出一个全新的浏览器选项卡,它中断了登录过程.不过我不确定我做对了.

I'm trying to use msal-browser (msal 2.0) but I keep getting the taskpane popping up a whole new browser tab outside the outlook desktop app and it breaks the login process. I'm not sure I'm doing it right though.

是否有人有使用 msal 2.0 在 PC 平台类型的任务窗格中运行重定向登录过程的示例?

Does anyone have an example of running a redirect login process inside the taskpane itself for the PC platformtype using msal 2.0?


我确实让它起作用了.新的 msal-browser 2.0 运行良好,可能比 1.x 系列更可预测.

I did get this to work Ok. The new msal-browser 2.0 works fine and is probably more predictable than the 1.x series.

这篇关于msal-browser 2.0,PC平台和登录/令牌获取的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 16:48