

本文介绍了如何在inapp v3 android中获得订阅过期日期的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



您好我已经使用。我想在我的应用中显示剩余的日子。我正在调用 getSubscriptionTransactionDetails 来获取产品的交易详情,但它总是返回 null 。这是我的代码。

Hi I have I implemented inapp billing V3 for one year subscription for a item using android-inapp-billing-v3. I want to show remaining days in my app. I am calling getSubscriptionTransactionDetails to get Transaction details for the product but it always returns null. here is my code.

  private BillingProcessor startInappCheck(){

         bp = new BillingProcessor(mContext, BASE64ENCODEDPUBLICKEY, new BillingProcessor.IBillingHandler() {
                public void onProductPurchased(String productId, TransactionDetails details) {
                    LogUtils.e(TAG, "onProductPurchased :" +productId);
    //              showToast("onProductPurchased: " + productId);

                public void onBillingError(int errorCode, Throwable error) {

                    LogUtils.e(TAG, "onBillingError :" +errorCode);

                public void onBillingInitialized() {
  //                showToast("onBillingInitialized");
                    readyToPurchase = true;

                        SkuDetails subs = bp.getSubscriptionListingDetails(SUBSCRIPTION_ID);

                        LogUtils.d(TAG, "Owned Subscription: " + subs.toString());
                       TransactionDetails tr = bp.getSubscriptionTransactionDetails(SUBSCRIPTION_ID);
                      LogUtils.d(TAG, "Owned Subscription: " + tr.toString());

                    }catch (Exception e) {
                        // TODO: handle exception

                public void onPurchaseHistoryRestored() {
   //                   showToast("onPurchaseHistoryRestored");
                    for(String sku : bp.listOwnedSubscriptions()){
                        LogUtils.d(TAG, "Owned Subscription: " + sku);
   //                showToast("onPurchaseHistoryRestored");

         return bp;

我从 onCreate

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     if (!bp.handleActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data))
            super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


我的订阅项按钮在片段。我发现另一个问题是,在成功订阅后, onProductPurchased 未被调用,但我已在 onResume 中实现逻辑以进行更新用户界面如果 bp.isSubscribed(返回 true 。请告诉我如何获得订阅发起日期和到期日期。

My subscription item button implemented in a fragment . One more problem I found that after successful subscription the onProductPurchased not get called but I have implemented the logic in onResume to update UI if bp.isSubscribed(SUBSCRIPTION_ID) returns true. Please tell me how to get subscription initiated date and expiry date.


经过大量的谷歌我没有找到我想要的确切解决方案所以我在 iabv3库中的 BillingProcessor 类中创建了一个方法/ code>项目,返回 Bundle ,其中包含购买详细信息,其中我获得了购买日期。现在我可以找到这个到期日。该方法如下所示

I want to give Ans to my own que's ans, So that if some one looking for the same can find the solution. After lots of google I did not find a exact solution I was looking for So I create a method in BillingProcessor class in iabv3 library project which returns a Bundle with Purchases details, in which i get the purchased date. Now I am able to find the expiry date with this. The method looks like below

public Bundle getPurchases(){
    if (!isInitialized())
        return null;
        return  billingService.getPurchases(Constants.GOOGLE_API_VERSION, contextPackageName, Constants.PRODUCT_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION, null);
    }catch (Exception e) {
    return null;

这篇关于如何在inapp v3 android中获得订阅过期日期的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 16:35