




我试图跟踪我的google chrome扩展程序的标签缩略图,并希望能够将它们保存到我的本地存储中。目前,我有以下几点:

 : localStorage 限制为5MB。考虑使用异步用于保存数据的API。

I'm trying to keep track of tab thumbnails for my google chrome extension, and would love for the ability to save them to my local storage. Currently, I have something along the lines of:

chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(tab.windowId, function(thumb) {
     // other code here...

How can I save thumb to local storage? Or should I not be saving thumb to local storage and instead reloading those thumbnails the next time the browser loads?


The callback of chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab receives a data-URI (data:image/png;base64,... or data:image/jpg;base64,...). This is a plain string, which can be saved in localStorage as follows:

chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(tab.windowId, function(thumb) {
    // Example: Save by key URL
    localStorage.setItem(tab.url, thumb);
}); // <-- Don't forget the closing parenthesis..

In this example, the screenshot was saved in the same key as the tab's URI using localStorage.setItem.
You can enumerate through the keys as follows:

for (var i=0; i<localStorage.length; i++) {
    var keyname = localStorage[i];            // Or localStorage.key(0);
    var thumb = localStorage.getItem(keyname);// <-- Retrieve the value

If you don't like the thumb, it can be removed using the localStorage.removeItem method:

var keyname = 'https://stackoverflow.com/';  // For example

Note: localStorage is limited to 5MB. Consider using the asynchronous chrome.storage API for persisting data.



09-06 16:26