# i = 0
# while i < 3:
# username = input('请输入账号:')
# password = input('请输入密码:')
# if username == '1084350607'and password == ('tsy210258'):
# print('登陆成功')
# break
# else:
# print('密码错误请重试')
# i = i + 1
# if i >= 3:
# print('您尝试的次数太多请稍后再试') # 格式化输输出 % 是占位符号(备注:在格式化中如果需要使用%,则双%%) # name = input('请输入姓名:')
# age = input('请输入年龄:')
# hight = input('请输入身高:')
# msg = '我叫%s,今年%s,身高%s' %(name,age,hight)
# print(msg) # 简历简单制作(多行使用三引号)
# name = input('What is your name :')
# age = input('How old are you :')
# job = input('What do you do:')
# mer = '''-------------My job application ------------
# My name : %s
# My age : %d
# My job : %s
# ______________HOPE TO BE ONE OF YOU ____________''' %(name,int(age),job)
# print(mer) # while else break pass 初步实践尝试(break后不会执行else)
# count = 0
# while count < 12 :
# count +=1
# print('loop',count)
# if count == 10:
# pass
# else:
# print('目标输出完毕') #and or not # print(2>1 and 1 >0) 该种逻辑运算符输出ture或者false
# print(2 > 1 and 1 < 4 or 2 < 3 and 9 > 6 or 2 < 4 and 3 < 2 ) # 优先级 ()>not > and >or # X or Y ,X为真,则返回X
# X and Y ,X为真,则返回Y