我们有一个名为Obama,2008 R2的开发服务器,并使用URL http:// Obama为我提供了默认的IIS登录页面。现在我在奥巴马创建了一个名为Alexandria的新网站,该端口绑定了端口80上的主机名'alexandria'。要访问该网站,我必须在奥巴马上正确设置DNS,或者在我的HOSTS文件中添加一个条目,将'亚历山德里亚'指向奥巴马的IP地址。我的问题是使用我的网站,整个开发团队也必须编辑他们的每个HOSTS文件。
We have a dev server called Obama, 2008 R2, and using the URL http://Obama gives me the default 'IIS landing page'. Now I create a new web site on Obama called Alexandria, bound to the host name 'alexandria' on port 80. To access that site, I have to either set the DNS up correctly on Obama, or add an entry to my HOSTS file, pointing 'alexandria' to Obama's IP address. My problem here is to use my site, the whole dev team has to edit each of their HOSTS files as well.
I believe I should be creating at least an A record, and maybe one other, on Obama's DNS. Then, when Obama receives a request for 'alexandria', it knows what to do. I have asked about this before, and responses have been of the ilk, 'Oh, just set up the DNS properly', without even saying whether I must configure the main domain DNS, or Obama's DNS, or do I have to do something on both? My machine knows what machine is called Obama from the domain DNS, but is there anything else I might have to do to that DNS, or is setting Obama's DNS properly enough?
In the latter case, will somebody please explain in high detail how I must go about configuring Obama's DNS. What entries I need and how I go about creating them. BTW, I have only just added DNS as a role on Obama.