JWT(Json Web令牌)和SAML之间的主要区别是什么?请为我提供有关Spring Security的任何示例.预先感谢.
What are the main difference between JWT (Json Web Token) and SAML? Please suggest me any example of these with spring security. Thanks in advance.
SAML 和 JWT 是不依赖于安全令牌的格式任何编程语言. SAML是较旧的格式,基于XML.它通常用在SAML-P,WS-Trust和WS-Federation等协议中(尽管并非严格要求).
Both SAML and JWT are security token formats that are not dependent on any programming language. SAML is the older format and is based on XML. It's used commonly in protocols like SAML-P, WS-Trust and WS-Federation (although not strictly required).
JWT(JSON Web令牌)令牌基于JSON,并在新的身份验证和授权协议(如OpenID Connect和OAuth 2.0)中使用.
JWT (JSON Web Token) tokens are based on JSON and used in new authentication and authorization protocols like OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0.