android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground exists, but how do I add it programatically to an ImageButton?
Also, how would I go about finding the answer in the documentation? It's mentioned here, but I don't see any explanation of how it's actually used. Actually, I rarely seem to find the documentation useful, but I'm hoping that's my fault and not that of the documentation.
Here is an example using answer here: How to get the attr reference in code?
// Create an array of the attributes we want to resolve
// using values from a theme
// android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground requires API LEVEL 11
int[] attrs = new int[] { android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground /* index 0 */};
// Obtain the styled attributes. 'themedContext' is a context with a
// theme, typically the current Activity (i.e. 'this')
TypedArray ta = obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);
// Now get the value of the 'listItemBackground' attribute that was
// set in the theme used in 'themedContext'. The parameter is the index
// of the attribute in the 'attrs' array. The returned Drawable
// is what you are after
Drawable drawableFromTheme = ta.getDrawable(0 /* index */);
// Finally free resources used by TypedArray
// setBackground(Drawable) requires API LEVEL 16,
// otherwise you have to use deprecated setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) method.
// imageButton.setBackgroundDrawable(drawableFromTheme);