bool Replace(char *str,const char *src, const char *des)
/* old -> new */
int srclen = strlen(src);
int deslen = strlen(des);
int siplen = ;
int buflen = ;
char *pos = str;
char *ptr = NULL; static char buf[]; memset(buf, 0x00, );
if(strcmp(src,des) == )
return true;
if(strlen(str) < srclen){
// The lenth of old word is more then string!
return false;
} while((ptr = strstr(pos, src)) != NULL) {
siplen = ptr - pos;
memcpy(buf + buflen, pos, siplen);
strcat(buf, des); buflen += siplen + deslen;
pos = pos + siplen + srclen;
} if (buflen != ) {
strcpy(buf + buflen, pos);
strcpy(str, buf);
} return true;