





A website is currently in OpenCms which needs to be migrated to Liferay framework as is.


There is a concept of JSP templates in OpenCms. Is it possible to replicate the concept of jsp templates which is present in OpenCms into themes/layouts in liferay?

OpenCms模板使用<cms: />

OpenCms templates use cms tags like <cms: />


How will it be possible for me to transfer this entire website from OpenCms into Liferay?


I have googled a lot regarding this but I did not get any answer for this.



Here is some more info regarding the project:


The website has static as well as dynamic pages. I need a way to recreate them in liferay so that in future if the users wish to change the data content of website they can do so easily. IN case of dynamic pages they will upate their database. IN case of static pages they would want to change data (if required) from liferay framework.


How should I create templates and add pages that use a particular template and also add content to the pages?

我应该编写代码还是可以直接从liferay UI中执行操作?有没有一种快速的方法可以做到这一点?

SHould I write a code or can I do directly from the liferay UI ? Is there a quick way to do this?


I tried using ftl templates. But will it be useful or should I create templates from liferay?



I have no experience with OpenCms, but Liferay's CMS has structured articles that get rendered by templates, e.g. freemarker or velocity templates. From what I read into your question and comment, this might be what you're looking for:


Identify the elements of your content articles in OpenCms, create appropriate structures in Liferay and import the articles into structured articles, using those structures. Further, create templates that render the HTML output as you need it from the imported articles.

您可能还想创建页面(Liferay API中的布局)并用相应的内容填充它们. Liferay的几乎所有功能都可以通过API使用-并且很可能通过此API导入内容(实际上,这是一个常见用例).不过,我无法为您提供阅读OpenCms内容的最佳方法.

You'll probably also want to create pages (layouts in the Liferay API) and populate them with the corresponding content. Almost all of Liferay's functionality is available through an API - and it's well possible to import content through this API (in fact, that's a common usecase). I can't help you with the best way to read OpenCms content though.

为了适应Liferay CMS API,我长期推荐了sevencogs演示.不幸的是,这不再维护了,但是有一个博客文章总结了您可能想使用的许多调用和API用法.

For getting used to the Liferay CMS API I was recommending the sevencogs demo for a long time. Unfortunately this is no longer maintained, but there's a blog article summarizing many of the calls and API usages that you might want to make use of.



09-06 13:45