本文介绍了AngularJS错误:缩小后$ injector:modulerr的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



伙计们,当我缩小Angular JS 1应用程序时遇到错误Error: $injector:modulerr,到目前为止,我已经研究出这是我对HomeController的依赖关系的调用方式,但是我不确定自己可能在哪里出问题了.我注意到这里已经存在一些问题,但是找不到解决该问题的答案.

Hey guys I am getting an error Error: $injector:modulerr when I minify my Angular JS 1 app, so far I have researched that it is the way that I am calling dependencies to my HomeController however I am unsure where I might be going wrong. I have noticed some pre-existing questions on here however I can't find the answer to solve this.


I have a feeling the dependencies on this controller might be the issue:

  function HomeController($http, $firebaseArray, $scope, $scrollArray) {
    var vm = this;
    var baseRef = new Firebase("https://racoon.firebaseio.com/yello");
    vm.feeds = $scrollArray(baseRef, 'date');

        vm.config = {
            plugins: {
                controls: {
                    autoHide: true,
                    autoHideTime: 1000


Because the code gets minified I'm guessing the dependencies that are being called in the function are being mangled some how.


So I tried injecting them like so just below the function:

HomeController.$inject = ['$http', '$firebaseArray', '$scope', '$scrollArray'];


Here is all of the JS for my app just in case it isn't this controller that is causing this:

 (function() {
  'use strict';

    .module('thatsPulman', [
      // Angular modules.

      // Third party modules.

      // Custom modules.


(function() {
  'use strict';
  angular.module('app.core', ['iso.directives', 'ngSanitize', 'linkify', 'angular-images-loaded', 'imagesLoaded', 'yaru22.angular-timeago','infinite-scroll','com.2fdevs.videogular', 'com.2fdevs.videogular.plugins.controls', 'com.2fdevs.videogular.plugins.overlayplay'], function($interpolateProvider) {


(function() {
  'use strict';

    .controller('HomeController', HomeController)
    .factory('$scrollArray', scrollArray);

  function HomeController($http, $firebaseArray, $scope, $scrollArray) {
    var vm = this;
    var baseRef = new Firebase("https://racoon.firebaseio.com/yello");
    vm.feeds = $scrollArray(baseRef, 'date');

        vm.config = {
            plugins: {
                controls: {
                    autoHide: true,
                    autoHideTime: 1000
HomeController.$inject = ['$http', '$firebaseArray', '$scope', '$scrollArray'];

  function scrollArray($firebaseArray, $timeout) {
    return function(baseRef, field) {
      // create a special scroll ref
      var scrollRef = new Firebase.util.Scroll(baseRef, field);
      // generate a synchronized array with the ref
      var list = $firebaseArray(scrollRef);
      // store the scroll namespace on the array for easy ref
      list.scroll = scrollRef.scroll;
      return list;



(function() {
  'use strict';

    .directive('imagesLoaded', imagesLoaded)
    .directive('scroll', scroll);

  function imagesLoaded($timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function($scope, $elem, $attr) {

            $timeout(function() {

                $elem.isotope('once', 'layoutComplete', function(isoInstance, laidOutItems) {
                    $elem.imagesLoaded(function() {
            }, 0);

function scroll($window) {
      return function(scope, element, attrs) {
          angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function() {
               if (this.pageYOffset >= 300) {
                   scope.showContent = true;
               } else {
                   scope.showContent = false;


(function() {
  'use strict';

    .filter('instagramLink', instagramLink);

    function instagramLink($filter, $sce) {
      return function(text, target) {
        if (!text) return text;

        var replacedText = $filter('linky')(text, target);
        var targetAttr = "";
        if (angular.isDefined(target)) {
            targetAttr = ' target="' + target + '"';

        // replace #hashtags
        var replacePattern1 = /(^|\s)#(\w*[a-zA-Z_]+\w*)/gim;
        replacedText = replacedText.replace(replacePattern1, '$1<a href="https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/$2"' + targetAttr + '>#$2</a>');

        return replacedText;



Any idea where I might be going wrong? Thanks



The minification is breaking the code because you are using Implicit Annotation for dependency injection.

ng-annotate 之类的工具可让您在应用中使用隐式依赖项注释并自动添加内联缩小之前先进行数组注释.如果您决定采用这种方法,则可能要使用ng-strict-di.

Tools like ng-annotate let you use implicit dependency annotations in your app and automatically add inline array annotations prior to minifying. If you decide to take this approach, you probably want to use ng-strict-di.


Because of these caveats, we recommend avoiding this style of annotation.

- AngularJS开发人员指南-依赖注入

这篇关于AngularJS错误:缩小后$ injector:modulerr的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 13:20