Hi All,
我们拥有Outlook 2013和SharePoint Server 2013
We have Outlook 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013
From our local SharePoint we are connecting documents folder with files to our Outlook.
用于让用户快速前进的字体模板(从SharePoint中)到我们的客户,只需在Outlook中右键单击一个文件并选择 前进.
That used to let users quickly forward templates (from SharePoint) to our clients, by simply making right click on a file in Outlook and select Forward.
最近更新SharePoint Server之后,Outlook要求提供凭据,并且Outlook中的转发功能停止工作.
After recent updates of SharePoint Servers Outlook is asking for credentials and forward function in Outlook stopped working.
到目前为止,我已经尝试禁用"Outlook Social Connector 2013"
So far I have tried to disable 'Outlook Social Connector 2013'
But everytime we open Outlook an select 'SharePoint List' it keeps asking for password, even if 'Remember my credentials' was ticked.
If you enter you login details and select 'Remember my credentials' that will connect to SharePoint and download updated files (if they are available). But on your next run of Outlook it will for login details again.
And the second issue that Forward button become inactive, it still highlighted but when you click Forward nothing happens.
I have tried to Remove SharePoint List and add this back again, but it didn't help.
Try to troubleshoot your issue as following:
1.转到IE-> Internet选项->安全性->本地Intranet->站点->高级->将SharePoint网站添加到列表中.
1. Go to IE->Internet Options->Security->Local intranet->Sites->Advanced->add SharePoint site to the list.
2.转到控制面板->凭据管理器-> Windows凭据,找到名称中包含Outlook的凭据,展开凭据,然后单击从保险柜中删除",重新启动Outlook并检查问题是否存在.
2. Go to Control Panel->Credential Manager->Windows Credentials, find the credentials that has Outlook in the name, expand the credential and click "Remove from Vault", restart the outlook and check if the issue exists.
3. Here are some common reasons for attempt for login in Outlook for your reference:
Grace Wang
Grace Wang