





Currently I'm checking it in the following way:

if (Environment.UserInteractive)
    Application.Run(new ServiceControllerForm(service));


It helps debugging a little and service can also be run using the executable. But assume now that the service requires interaction with the user desktop so that I have to enable "Allow service to interact with desktop" in the properties. This of course breaks this way of checking. Is there another way?



It's not perfect, but you could probably do something like this:

public static bool IsService()
    ServiceController sc = new ServiceController("MyApplication");
    return sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.StartPending;

这个想法是,如果您在服务仍在启动时运行它,那么它将始终处于挂起状态.如果根本没有安装该服务,则该方法将始终返回 false.它只会在极不可能的极端情况下失败,即服务正在启动并且有人试图同时将其作为应用程序启动.

The idea is that if you run this while your service is still starting up then it will always be in the pending state. If the service isn't installed at all then the method will always return false. It will only fail in the very unlikely corner case that the service is starting and somebody is trying to start it as an application at the same time.

我不喜欢这个答案,但我认为这可能是你能做的最好的.实际上允许相同的应用程序在服务或应用程序模式下运行并不是一个好主意 - 从长远来看,如果您将所有通用功能抽象到一个类库中并且只是创建一个单独的服务应用程序.但是如果由于某种原因你真的真的需要你的蛋糕并吃掉它,你可以将上面的 IsService 方法与 Environment.UserInteractive 结合起来>几乎每次都能得到正确答案.

I don't love this answer but I think it is probably the best you can do. Realistically it's not a very good idea to allow the same application to run in either service or application mode - in the long run it will be easier if you abstract all of the common functionality into a class library and just create a separate service app. But if for some reason you really really need to have your cake and eat it too, you could probably combine the IsService method above with Environment.UserInteractive to get the correct answer almost all of the time.



09-06 11:13