


case class ClassA(myObjectType: TypeA.myTypeAlias)

object ClassA {

  implicit def jsonFormat: Format[ClassA] = Json.format[ClassA]


object TypeA {

  type myTypeAlias = Option[String]

我得到No implicit format for typeA.myObjectType available.


How do you define the JSON Format ?


此错误来自 play.api.libs.json.JsMacroImpl.scala(播放2.5.0-RC2中的第164行)

This error comes from the automatic implicit generation macro in play.api.libs.json.JsMacroImpl.scala (line 164 in Play 2.5.0-RC2).


This code doesn't dealias types before analyzing them, so it can't even infer that TypeA.myTypeAlias is an Option.


One thing you can do is specify an implicit Format[myTypeAlias]:

object ClassA {
  implicit val myTypeAliasFormat: Format[TypeA.myTypeAlias] = Format.optionWithNull
  implicit def jsonFormat: Format[ClassA] = Json.format[ClassA]

object TypeA {
  type myTypeAlias = Option[String]
  implicit val myTypeAliasFormat: Format[myTypeAlias] = Format.optionWithNull

object ClassA {
  import TypeA.myTypeAliasFormat
  implicit def jsonFormat: Format[ClassA] = Json.format[ClassA]

请注意,它将把JSON null转换为None,如果缺少路径,则会产生错误,并将None序列化为JSON null.

Note that it will convert JSON null to None, yield an error if the path is missing, and serialize None as JSON null.

我相信,当使用类型别名和自动隐式生成与Json.format时,无法实现将缺少的路径解释为None并跳过序列化None的行为.如果您想要这种行为,则必须手动编写JSON Format.

I believe, it's not possible to achieve the behaviour to interpret missing paths as None, and skip serializing None, when using type aliases and automatic implicit generation with Json.format. You'd have to manually write a JSON Format if you want that behaviour.



09-06 09:38