Are there any libraries or guides for how to read and parse binary data in C?
I am looking at some functionality that will receive TCP packets on a network socket and then parse that binary data according to a specification, turning the information into a more useable form by the code.
Are there any libraries out there that do this, or even a primer on performing this type of thing?
标准方式C / C ++是真正铸造结构为gwaredd建议这样做。
The standard way to do this in C/C++ is really casting to structs as 'gwaredd' suggested
It is not as unsafe as one would think. You first cast to the struct that you expected, as in his/her example, then you test that struct for validity. You have to test for max/min values, termination sequences, etc.
http://mixter.void.ru/rawip.html 使用原始套接字一个简单的例子。
Checkout http://mixter.void.ru/rawip.html for a quick example using raw sockets.
What ever platform you are on you must read Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API. Buy it, borrow it, steal it ( the victim will understand, it's like stealing food or something... ), but do read it.
After reading the Stevens, most of this will make a lot more sense.