

本文介绍了std :: list如何分配节点与元素的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




How does std::list allocate the nodes in which it keeps the next/prev pointers and the T element it contains?


I think that standard allocators can only be used to allocate memory for one type (because std::allocator::allocate allocates memory in increments of sizeof(T)). So it seems impossible to allocate the list node and the contained object in a single allocation, which means that the nodes have to be allocated with whatever the implementation decides, and the nodes store pointers to the objects instead of the objects themselves, and this implies two levels of indirection to get from a pointer to a list node to the object it contains, which seems inefficient. Is this the case?


分配器具有成员模板类rebind,该成员模板类负责分配其他类型. std::allocator 此处的页面实际上包含了您的确切身份示例问.我在这里引用它:

The allocator has a member template class, rebind, which is responsible for allocating other types. The page for std::allocator here actually has an example of the exact thing you are asking. I will quote it here:

直到C ++ 11

自C ++ 11起

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09-06 09:11