


我正在使用Emacs 24.3.1.我安装了 MELPA 版本"rel =" noreferrer> plantuml-mode 通过

I am on Emacs 24.3.1. I installed the MELPA version of plantuml-mode via

package-install plantuml-mode .

当我尝试为缓冲区打开 plantuml-mode 时,出现以下错误:

When I try to turn on plantuml-mode for a buffer, I get the following error:

Wrong type argument: stringp, nil

尝试查找其他安装说明,我查看了 plantuml-mode.el 源代码中的注释"部分,但此处仅表示要 require 软件包,而我正在这样做.

Trying to find additional installation instructions I looked at the "Commentary" section in the plantuml-mode.el source, but there it only says to require the package, and I am doing that.



经过进一步的挖掘,我找到了解决此问题的方法: plantuml-mode 将不会运行,除非变量plantuml-jar-path 设置为非 nil 值.在事后看来,这是相当明显的,但是由于没有被明确提及(至少在我找不到的任何地方),它仍然很容易被理解.为了获得最佳结果,该变量应指向文件系统中 plantuml.jar 文件的位置.就我而言:

After a bit more digging I found the solution to this problem: plantuml-mode won't run unless the variable plantuml-jar-path is set to a non-nil value. Fairly obvious in hindsight, but still easy to get bit by since it isn't mentioned explicitly (at least not anywhere that I could find). For best results, the variable should point to the location of the plantuml.jar file in your file system. In my case:

(setq plantuml-jar-path "/opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar")


Hope this helps someone else at some point.



09-06 08:59