我们已经为PC(Wine下工作在MacOS和Linux也一样),我们想尝试做一个工作的OpenGL项目交叉编译成片剂。德尔福XE2 / XE4提供iOS的支持,但没有还的Android和iOS的实现的历史来看它可能需要1 - 2年。现在,我们开始寻找到其他的可能性,这将使我们能够保持大部分帕斯卡尔codeBase的(80K线)。因此,这里是为OXYGENE问题:
We have a working OpenGL project made for PC (works on MacOS and Linux under Wine as well) which we want to try to cross-compile to tablets. Delphi XE2/XE4 offers iOS support, but there's no Android yet and judging from iOS implementation history it might take 1-2 years. Now we start looking into other possibilities which will allow us to keep the majority of Pascal codebase (80k lines). So here's the question for the Oxygene:
是否有与OXYGENE可以作出OpenGL应用程序的任何实例交叉编译在PC上运行/ MacOS的/的iOS / Android的?
Are there any examples of OpenGL applications made with Oxygene that can be cross-compiled to work on PC/MacOS/iOS/Android ?
If not, what alternatives are there (except Lazarus)?
即使href=\"http://www.remobjects.com/oxygene/sugar.aspx\" rel=\"nofollow\">低级别的糖的跨平台的RTL 还没有完成。这将是一个跨平台的方式获取更高级别的库(即具有相同的源$ C $ C),喜欢的OpenGL之前完成第一个必不可少的步骤。
Even the low-level Sugar cross-platform RTL is not finished. It would be a first mandatory step to be done before accessing higher level libraries in a cross-platform way (i.e. with identical source code), like OpenGL.
So with Oxygene, you have a great cross-compiler, but you are tied to use the RTL available on each platform.
You can compare with two object-pascal compilers:
- 在FreePascal的,其中有,并已的几个库过它 - 最强大的一个/有名的是;
- 随着SmartMobileStudio,其中有和 - WebGL是OpenGL的一个翻译在HTML5 API /概念。
- With FreePascal, which has built-in OpenGL units, and already several libraries over it - one of the most powerful/known is GLScene;
- With SmartMobileStudio, which has built-in WebGL support and can do amazing things on modern browsers - WebGL is a translation of the OpenGL API/concepts in HTML5.