



  "nodes": [
  "links": [
{"source":5,"target":114,"value":1},...  ]


 // call method to create filter
// method to create filter
function createFilter()
      .data(["a", "b", "c"])
          .attr("class", "checkbox-container")
      .each(function(d) {
         // create checkbox for each data
        .attr("type", "checkbox")
        .attr("id", function(d) {return "chk_" + d;})
        .attr("checked", true)
        .on("click", function(d, i) {
            // register on click event
            var lVisibility = this.checked? "visible":"hidden";
            filterGraph(d, lVisibility);
          .text(function(d){return d;});

      $("#sidebar").show();  // show sidebar

 // Method to filter graph
function filterGraph(aType, aVisibility)
 // change the visibility of the node

    node.style("visibility", function(o) {
    var lOriginalVisibility = $(this).css("visibility");
    return o.type === aType ? aVisibility : lOriginalVisibility;



您需要通过检查链接的源或目标是否未选中来隐藏该链接.因此,在您的filterGraph部分中,添加类似的内容(假设您的链接具有class ="link"):

positive = ["Dahlia", "Tholomyes"];
link.attr("display", function (o) {

////Here the structure of the the link can vary, sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], check it out before you fill in.
var source_name = o["source"]["id"];
var target_name = o["target"]["id"];

var result = positive.indexOf(source_name) != -1 && positive.indexOf(target_name) != -1 ? "auto" : "none"

return result;


例如,以迈克·波斯托克(Mike Bostock)的悲惨经历为例,我使用了上面的代码来过滤掉除连接大丽花"和"Tholomyes"的代码之外的所有其他代码.


var hidden_nodes =[];
 // Method to filter graph
function filterGraph(aType, aVisibility)
 // change the visibility of the node
 // if all the links with that node are invisibile, the node should also be invisible
// otherwise if any link related to that node is visibile, the node should be visible
// change the visibility of the connection link

    node.style("visibility", function(o) {
        var lOriginalVisibility = $(this).css("visibility");
        if (o.type == aType) {
            if (aVisibility == "hidden")
                    index = hidden_nodes.indexOf(o.name);
                    if (index > -1)
                        hidden_nodes.splice(index, 1);
        return o.type === aType ? aVisibility : lOriginalVisibility;


    link.attr("display", function (o) {
    ////Here the structure of the the link can vary, sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], check it out before you fill in.
    var source_name = o["source"]["name"];
    var target_name = o["target"]["name"];

    var result = hidden_nodes.indexOf(source_name) != -1 || hidden_nodes.indexOf(target_name) != -1 ? "none" : "auto"

    return result;


I am having difficulties with the filter that I am trying to use on my force directed graph. I can filter out nodes, but cannot make associated links disappear. My knowledge of JavaScript is pretty limited, but I guess the logic should be: if node is hidden, then hide associated links. Am I on the right path?If someone could help me with it, it would be much appreciated!

Data format:

  "nodes": [
  "links": [
{"source":5,"target":114,"value":1},...  ]


 // call method to create filter
// method to create filter
function createFilter()
      .data(["a", "b", "c"])
          .attr("class", "checkbox-container")
      .each(function(d) {
         // create checkbox for each data
        .attr("type", "checkbox")
        .attr("id", function(d) {return "chk_" + d;})
        .attr("checked", true)
        .on("click", function(d, i) {
            // register on click event
            var lVisibility = this.checked? "visible":"hidden";
            filterGraph(d, lVisibility);
          .text(function(d){return d;});

      $("#sidebar").show();  // show sidebar

 // Method to filter graph
function filterGraph(aType, aVisibility)
 // change the visibility of the node

    node.style("visibility", function(o) {
    var lOriginalVisibility = $(this).css("visibility");
    return o.type === aType ? aVisibility : lOriginalVisibility;

///////////////////////////////////////NEEDED CODE TO HIDE LINKS//////////////////////////////////////


You need to hide the link by checking if either its source or target is not selected. So in your filterGraph part, add something like (suppose your links have class="link"):

positive = ["Dahlia", "Tholomyes"];
link.attr("display", function (o) {

////Here the structure of the the link can vary, sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], check it out before you fill in.
var source_name = o["source"]["id"];
var target_name = o["target"]["id"];

var result = positive.indexOf(source_name) != -1 && positive.indexOf(target_name) != -1 ? "auto" : "none"

return result;


Take Mike Bostock's miserable for instance, I have used the code above to filter out all the others except the one that connects "Dahlia" and "Tholomyes".

Here is the snippet for your jsfiddle example:

var hidden_nodes =[];
 // Method to filter graph
function filterGraph(aType, aVisibility)
 // change the visibility of the node
 // if all the links with that node are invisibile, the node should also be invisible
// otherwise if any link related to that node is visibile, the node should be visible
// change the visibility of the connection link

    node.style("visibility", function(o) {
        var lOriginalVisibility = $(this).css("visibility");
        if (o.type == aType) {
            if (aVisibility == "hidden")
                    index = hidden_nodes.indexOf(o.name);
                    if (index > -1)
                        hidden_nodes.splice(index, 1);
        return o.type === aType ? aVisibility : lOriginalVisibility;


    link.attr("display", function (o) {
    ////Here the structure of the the link can vary, sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], sometimes it is o["source"]["name"], check it out before you fill in.
    var source_name = o["source"]["name"];
    var target_name = o["target"]["name"];

    var result = hidden_nodes.indexOf(source_name) != -1 || hidden_nodes.indexOf(target_name) != -1 ? "none" : "auto"

    return result;



09-06 06:03