



在安装 vim-ruby-debugger 后,该插件会劫持"一些映射.像<leader>n<leader>t,分别用于NERDTreeToggle和Command-T查找.

After installing vim-ruby-debugger that plugin "hijacks" several mappings. Like <leader>n, or <leader>t which I use for respectively NERDTreeToggle and Command-T find.


我希望将它们重新映射为<leader>rdX,即:以* r * uby- * d * ebugger开头.显然,我可以简单地修改插件并在那里更改映射.但这似乎有点骇人听闻(可能会在更新时中断).

I'd prefer to have these remapped as <leader>rdX, i.e.: prefixed with *r*uby-*d*ebugger. Obviously, I could simply hack the plugin and change the mappings there. But that seems a bit too hackish (and will probably break on updates).


How can I unmap these mappings, so vim will fallback to my own mappings again? And so that I can remap the commands in my .vimrc (where it should be, IMHO).



First, I agree with ZyX's comments that this is a problem in the plugin that should be fixed. Please ask the plugin author to provide customization.

没有简单的方法可以取消映射,因为当映射被覆盖时,Vim不会记住原始的映射.您必须记下原始映射(临时禁用有问题的插件时为:map ...,或在Vim脚本中查找其定义),然后在有问题的插件具有 之后重新执行它们已被加载(减去它可能具有的任何<unique>标志,因为这些标志会在重新执行时导致错误).这不能在.vimrc中完成,它首先被获取.我会为此推荐一个类似~/.vim/after/plugin/zzzmappings.vim的地方.

There is no easy way to unmap, because Vim does not remember the original mappings when a mapping is overridden. You have to make a note of the original mappings (:map ... when the offending plugin is temporarily disabled, or look in the Vim script for their definitions), then re-execute them after the offending plugin has been loaded (minus any <unique> flags it may have, as these will cause errors on re-execution). This cannot be done in .vimrc, it is sourced first; I would recommend a place like ~/.vim/after/plugin/zzzmappings.vim for this.


09-06 06:01