


I'm attempting to compare a users location (Sent via params in the URL) to offers.offer_lat and offers.offer_long (in my DB) by a distance argument (set in miles)

我现在要疯了,网上发现的许多解决方案都很难用DB :: raw移植到laravels查询构建器,我目前在查询范围内具有该功能,因为用户将进行过滤API结果使用距离,但是没有运气!

I'm going crazy right now, a lot of solutions I have found online are proving hard to port over to laravels query builder using DB::raw, I currently have the function in a query scope as the user will be filtering API results using distance, no luck though!

我在网上发现了一些用于计算己二醛的功能,但我不知道如何使用它们.这是一个例子: https://gist.github.com/fhferreira/9081607

I found some functions online for calculating the haversine but I have no idea how to use them. Here's an example:https://gist.github.com/fhferreira/9081607

任何帮助将不胜感激! :)

Any help would be massively appreciated! :)




So you don't need all the bloat that is in that gist, instead, you can use the following formulae:

public function get_offers_near($latitude, $longitude, $radius = 1){

    $offers = Offer::select('offers.*')
        ->selectRaw('( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(?) ) *
                           cos( radians( offer_lat ) )
                           * cos( radians( offer_long ) - radians(?)
                           ) + sin( radians(?) ) *
                           sin( radians( offer_lat ) ) )
                         ) AS distance', [$latitude, $longitude, $latitude])
        ->havingRaw("distance < ?", [$radius])

    return $offers;


This assumes that you pass in the latitude and longitude from your user. Also, if you don't want the radius to be 1, you can pass in the 3rd argument and provide a custom radius.


And of course, we're assuming that this is for a model of Offer. Change your naming convention where required.


09-06 05:53