
Today, we got the invitation letter from US, when we discuss the journey, i saw perfect show of google map on David's computer, i would like to do the same thing so i ask David if he using a web proxy, then i know shadowsock.

Below is the infomation to use shadowsock.

Config on server:

1. got the shadowsock package: https://share.weiyun.com/5bS7OGY

2. unzip the package

3. double click Shadowsocks.exe to run the service

4. after that, in the task bar, find shadowsock, right click, select Server -> Edit Server, input server info as below, it's finished.

password: 0zhidaxiang

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

5. we have another way to config the server info via share server config, in task bar, right click shadowsock, select Servers -> Share Server Config, get the share url, copy it

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

6. How to share it to other people? in another machine, right click shadowsock, select Servers -> import URL from Clipboard...

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

7. Server info will be filled automatically, you may need to modify the proxy port to a non-use port on your machine.

8. above all, server setup is finished.

Let's start browser config.

1. Select a browser, take firefox as example. open menu, direct to Options -> Network Settings

2. Also TWO ways to setup proxy,

  • the first one, use proxy for all traffic on browser, not recommend

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

  • the second one, only the traffic(website) blocked by GFWlist, how to do this, see below:

Right click shadowsock, select PAC -> Update Local PAC from GFWList.

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

Again, right click shadowsock, select PAC -> Copy Local PAC URL, then paste it to browser's proxy settings.

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

Debug network:

Now we can use proxy on firefox, open firefox, try access google.com, facebook.com. youtube.com, all perfect access. happy face here ^-^

Monitor network trace: when config browser with the second way, we can find that, if access block list of GFW, the traffic raise up, if access non-block list of GFW, e.g. baidu.com, the traffic will not raise.

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

Thanks David's Share-LMLPHP

Thanks David again for the share. bye bye.

04-26 17:02