Slony-I 文摘


Introducing Slony

by A. Elein Mustain

Slony is the Russian plural for elephant. It is also the name of the new replication project being developed by Jan Weick. The mascot for Slony, Slon, is a good variation of the usual Postgres elephant mascot, created by Jan.

Slony是俄罗斯语中对大象的复数描述。这也是由Jan Weick所开发的复制项目的名称。他所开发的Slony系统,其吉祥物--Slon,正是通常的PostgreSQL的吉祥物的变种。

Slony-I, the first iteration of the project, is an asynchronous replicator of a single master database to multiple replicas, which in turn may have cascaded replicas. It will include all features required to replicate large databases with a reasonable number of replicas. Jan has targeted Slony-I toward data centers and backup sites, implying that all nodes in the network are always available. 该项目的第一代迭代,Slony-I,是一种单master数据库到多复制节点异步复制的解决方案,复制节点之间可以进行级联复制。它也包括了复制大型数据库到若干复制节点的所有功能。Jan设定的目标是针对数据红心和备份站点,假定前提是在网络做中所有节点都可以通达。

The master is the primary database with which the applications interact. Replicas are replications, or copies of the primary database. Since the master database is always changing, data replication is the system that enables the updates of secondary, or replica, databases as the master database updates. In synchronous replication systems, the master and the replica are consistent exact copies. The client does not receive a commit until all replicas have the transaction in question. Asynchronous replication loosens that binding and allows the replica to copy transactions from the master, rolling forward, at its own pace. The server issues a commit to the master client based on the state of the master database transaction.


Cascading replicas over a WAN minimizes bandwidth, enabling better scalability and also enables read-only (for example, reporting) applications to take advantage of replicas.


Slony-I 文摘-LMLPHP

Assume you have a primary site, with a database server and a replica as backup server. Then you create a remote backup center with its own main server and its backup replica. The remote primary server is a direct replica, replicating from the master over the WAN, while the remote secondary server is a cascaded replica, replicating from the primary server via the LAN. This avoids transferring all of the transactions twice over the WAN. More importantly, this configuration enables you to have a remote backup with its own local failover already in place for cases such as a data center failure.


Slony's design goals differentiate it from other replication systems. The initial plan was to enable a few very important key features as a basis for implementing these design goals. An underlying theme to the design is to update only that which changes, enabling scalable replication for a reliable failover strategy.


The design goals for Slony are: Slony的设计目标是:

  1. The ability to install, configure, and create a replica and let it join and catch up with a running database.可以安装、配置、创建一个复制节点,让它来保持跟踪运行中的数据库内容。

  2. Allowing any node to take over for any other node that fails. 允许任何一个节点接替其它的失败节点。

  3. Backup and point-in-time capability with a twist. 备份以及快速按时间点恢复的能力。

  4. Hot PostgreSQL installation and configuration. PostgreSQL热安装与配置

  5. Schema changes. 反映Schema变化

The first part of Slony-I also does not address any of the user interface features required to set up and configure the system. After the core engine of Slony-I becomes available, development of the configuration and maintenance interface can begin. There may be multiple interfaces available, depending on who develops the user interface and how.在此我并没有提及任何与用户界面相关的功能,当Slony-I的核心引擎得以实现之后,对配置文件以及维护所用的界面的开发可以开始了。可以有多个界面,这要看是谁以及如何开发用户界面。

Jan points out that "replication will never be something where you type SETUP and all of a sudden your existing enterprise system will nicely replicate in a disaster recovery scenario." Designing how to set up your replication is a complex problem. Jan指出复制永远不肯能是那种你输入了SETUP然后突然之间你的系统就可以在危机保护场景里很完美地执行复制了的东西。设计如何完成你的复制,是一个复杂的挑战。

The user interface(s) will be important to clarify and simplify the configuration and maintenance of your replication system. Some of the issues to address include the configuration of which tables to replicate, the requirement of primary keys, and the handling of sequence and trigger coordination. 对于理清和简化对你的复制系统的配置而言,用户界面将是很重要的。这包括配置那些表需要被复制,对主键的需要,以及对序列和触发器的处理。

The Slony-I release does not address the issues of multi-master, synchronous replication or sporadically synchronizable nodes (the "sales person on the road" scenario). However, Jan is considering these issues in the architecture of the system so that future Slony releases may implement some of them. It is critical to design future features into the system; analysis of existing replication systems has shown that it is next to impossible to add fundamental features to an existing replication system. Slony-I 没有触及多master问题,同步复制或者零星的同步节点(例如在路上的销售员场景)。但是Jan正在架构中考虑这些问题,因此也许未来的发布中会实现一部分。设计时考虑到未来的功能是很重要的;对既存复制系统的分析表明追加基础性的功能到一个已经存在的复制系统中是几乎不可能的。

The primary question to ask regarding the requirements for a failover system is how much down time can you afford. Is five minutes acceptable? Is one hour? Must the failover be read/write, or is it acceptable to have a read-only temporary failover? The second question you must ask is whether you are willing to invest in the hardware required to support multiple copies of your database. A clear cost/benefit analysis is necessary, especially for large databases. 考察一个failover系统时应当问的一个主要问题是,你能承受多久的系统不在线时间。是5分钟,还是1个小时?是后备机必须可写可读,还是说可以临时保持只读?第二个问题是你要问自己是否愿意投入硬件来保证对数据库的多份拷贝。一个清晰的投入产出分析是必要的,特别是对大型数据库而言。

04-26 16:41